Maybe I Should Have Ducked

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San Francisco is usually beautiful in late Spring. The air wasn't sweltering yet, the flowers were in bloom. 

And the rivalry with Los Angeles was in full swing. 

Frank gritted his teeth at the thought of having to see Bobby Fuller again.  That asshole had been traded two years after the Vegas incident and he and Frank had been at each others throats during that time. So seeing him with the Giants was hard.  The Dodgers would be playing the Giants more often than he did with the Red Sox. 

During the first inning, there was almost a full out brawl when the pitcher almost hit Frank in the head with an errant pitch. Frank got into his face but never made a violent move.  The benches were  given a warning and play continued. 

Abby sat in the dugout as the trainer on the field, a responsibility that she enjoyed because not only was she involved with the team, but she was also close to Frank.  They didn't interact much, knowing the TV cameras were everywhere, but Frank gave her a side smirk every once in a while, allowing the butterflies to gather in her stomach. When he could, he gave her a gentle touch, so she knew he was there. 

It seemed the game calmed down for a few innings until the top of the sixth.  Frank was back at bat and observed a pitching changeup.  The new pitcher, Smith, stopped to hear something from Fuller and then warmed up. Frank was curious but he let it go, concentrating on the pitch. The first one was low and inside, the second was away.  Frank smirked. He knew he just needed to be patient. 

Except when the fastball went wide of the box. And bounced off of Frank's hand and into his face. 

He dropped to the ground, not moving. Abby grabbed her bag and followed another trainer out to the field. "Adler? Frank? Can you hear me?" Abby looked at Dave, the other trainer. "We need to move him. Get the brace."  After fitting Frank with the neck brace, Dave and Abby carefully turned him over. "Oh Frankie," she whispered. 

Frank had blood coming from the side of his face. "Fuck," he moaned.  He blinked. "Cricket?" 

"Oh thank God. Let's get the backboard," she ordered Dave. As the EMTs came in, she smiled down at Frank. "If you wanted my attention, there are other ways Franklin." 

"Full name treatment. I'm an injured man Cricket." He smiled but immediately grimaced. Johnny came over to check on him.  "Hey man." 

"Adler, jesus, are you ok?"

"Maybe I should have ducked?"

Abby smacks his shoulder. "We're gonna get him checked out Storm."  They loaded him to a cart as the crowd in San Francisco clapped and Frank gave a wave. 

The ride to the hospital was quick and Abby spoke with the attending physician to advise what happened.  She stood back in the examination room as the doctors on call checked him over.  The lead doctor came to speak to Abby. "Dr. Hernandez, it looks like Mr. Adler has a very minor concussion, a contusion on his face that will require a couple of stitches and a broken pinkie finger.  My recommendation is three weeks of healing." 

Abby let out a sigh of relief. "That's better news than I had hoped for.  I agree with your assessment.  I will let the team know. Thank you so much." 

"We can release him in your care today but no flying for 48 hours. Let me know if you need anything else?"

"Just copies of his records for the team." They shook hands and Abby went to Frank. "How do you feel about a small vacation?"

"That bad?"

"Broken pinkie, a small cut that needs stitches, and a small concussion. The League is putting you into concussion protocol, which is two weeks and the pinkie will need an extra week.  I'm sorry love, but three weeks on the injury reserved." 

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