Part IV

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"I beg your pardon?"

"I didn't stutter, did I?" General Faustino mocked an offended expression.

Personal helot was the best euphemism the old man could use for sex slave.

Jackson glanced down at Elizabeth, wondering how he came to that conclusion. Although, he did not blame him for supposing so. As much as everyone did not like to admit it, Elizabeth was beautiful.

It was not a beauty that needed to be worked on, she did not need anything to enhance it, it was just natural. Her thing defined brows, her feminine sharp jaws, her round flat nose and even her big lips. Now that she came to one of the classiest balls dressed in that gown, anyone would think she was not a regular slave.

Luke was already engaged to Vaughn, everyone knew that and their father was not one to entertain himself with women. Which left Jackson as the next assumption.

And deep down, he felt glad that they all assumed she was his, which in fact, she technically was.

"My schedules are tight, I would not have time for one," Jackson still objected, grabbing a glass of wine from a tray of drinks with a staff.

He needed it. Maybe something stronger.

"A gentleman has needs he can not neglect," Faustino pointed out. "Ah! Which brings me to the next part of the event."

"I am not sure I follow," Jackson stopped the edge of his glass at his lips, not enjoying the look of excitement and mischief in Faustino's eyes.

"Observe," he winked at him and left, leaving an awkward silence Jackson and Elizabeth were trying to get rid of.

General Faustino walked onto the stage, stopping the orchestra with his hand. He looked at the door beside the stage leading out, signaling for whoever was there to join him.

The next second, a man in a more formal dressing walked towards him, holding a long chain of female slaves. They were a total of six, all in different shades, sizes and clothing. They were clad in all white petticoats, hair straightened and skin powdered.

A slave sale, Jackson realized.

Elizabeth cursed under her breath and turned to walk before Jackson got a hold of her.

"I don't think walking on your own will be a good idea."

"I need to get some fresh air," replied Elizabeth.

"You need to be with someone. Where is Vaughn?" Jackson peered his head in the air for his cousin.

"I am not a child," she hissed at him. A few heads turned their direction, curious and bewildered by Elizabeth's wit.

"Surprisingly," he retorted. "These people will grab you the second you're out of sight. You'll find yourself standing on that stage," he inclined his head towards the stage, Faustino and the man were arranging the slaves and preparing for the auction.

Elizabeth huffed in annoyance and jerked her arm from his hands, crossing them over her chest in fury.

Jackson maintained his gaze from falling on her chest.

"Hello! Good evening ladies and gentlemen, may I please have your attention?!" General Faustino hit the side of his glass wine with a spoon.

Silence filled the rooms, all the chatters dying down until they focused on him.

"Thank you. I hope you all are having a lovely evening?"

The crowd muttered their responses.

"Splendid. So, just like every other year, we hold a winters ball in celebration for the... well, for everything. Despite the disputes with most people, we can still say that we are quite still alive," the old fellow laughed lifting his glass in the air. Everyone replicated the action.

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