Part II

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"Brother," Jackson said in surprise and delight. "You're alive."

With no thoughts whatsoever, he took four long strides towards Luke, his arms wide open for an embrace.

Instead, Luke side-stepped him.

"Where have you been?" Jackson ignored the rejection, remembering that they were never that affectionate to begin with. But let it all be damned, his brother was alive.

Two months of anxiety and uncertain hopes had made Jackson more affectionate now for his brother than ever.

He was the only family left.

"Here," Luke narrowed his eyes at him, as if expecting him to lunge forward and bite his neck off.

"Here?" Jackson's face morphed into confusion. "Do you know who lives here? Are you alone? Is Vaughn with you?"

Jackson spun his head around the dim lit house, barely catching a glimpse of anyone, let alone anything. His cousin would surely throw a tantrum if she had to live in such a house.

"No, Vaughn is dead, so is everyone from the mansion," Luke responded flatly.

"D—dead?" Jackson's shoulders tightened, his gaze meeting his brothers calm and distant eyes.

Luke said nothing more and walked away, his brother marching behind with a frown and perplexity.

"Luke, how do you mean?" Jackson finally pulled his arm, turning him around once they stepped into a small kitchen, barely a utensil or cabinet in sight.

"What do you not understand by dead?" Luke pulled his arm away. "I did not need her so I got rid of her."


"Take it as you want it. Her galling behavior was torture. I could not stand her. All she did was talk, talk," Luke grabbed his hair with a sneer.

"Then why marry her?"

"Do not ask such, brother. One of us had to."

"I do not believe you, I believe none of this!" Jackson waved his hand in the air at the situation.

"Take it as you want it," Luke huffed. "Those men outside are here for a reason."

"Not you."

"Are you that delusional!?" Luke snapped, raising his arms in surprise at his brothers oblivious nature.

"You're asking me to believe that my brother killed his wife, our cousin, that he has committed espionage? Of course I will believe no damn word of it," he said defiantly. "Do you have an idea of what you're claiming?"

"And you, why are you here?" Luke tilted his head to the side.

Jackson gulped, finally recalling the past days events. "I was led here by one of the men that raided my location."

"For your scroll," Luke furrowed his eyebrows, a glint of something Jackson had no time to identify flashed before his eyes.

"Tell me you did not plan that attack, I will believe you." At this point, he was pleading for him to deny any accusations.

The truth was right in front of him, Jackson swore to kill the man behind it all, but no part of him expected the man to be his own brother.

"I planned that attack, but as you want to hear it; I did not plan it," Luke turned for the countertop, brushing a hand through his hair. "We needed that scroll."

Jackson did not calculate or predict his next movements but he found himself slamming his brother against the wall, his hands gripping his shirt against his chest. Impatience flared in him.

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