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Amelié's POV

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Amelié's POV

Oh my god, am I crazy!?

You kind of are in all honesty

The fact that he heard me as well
I need to learn how to mumble things better

Because if he can hear me that means when I talk shit about the clothes the models are wearing
The people beside me can hear

Oh my god

How have I not been canceled yet

I'm thinking for too long I gotta answer with something.

"What did I say again?" I asked him knowing exactly what I said just hoping he drops it

"Nothing I forgot." He responded quietly glancing of, paying attention to what was outside the window

I chose to stay silent for a while he looked focused on what was happening outside I didn't want to ruin that peace.

30 minutes pass

Time went by and I didn't realize how long this drive was


"Mhm?" he looked over at me

"Are we almost there?" I let out a groan

"Aren't you impatient?" He chuckled looking at the time on his phone

"We are about 5 minutes away."

"I'm not impatient I'm just bored, look even Saucisse fell asleep he never does that!"

"You're telling me that the dog doesn't sleep? Like at all?" the football player held eye contact with me causing me to break it looking down at Saucisse

"Sometimes he can go to sleep on time, but he rarely does unless you drug him."

"Maybe the rest of his pill kicked in from the plane?" I said to him highly doubting that but it could be possible

I thought before the car stopped, I looked out the window to see that we are at a dead end of the road

"Are you going to murder me?"

"What?" He laughed getting out of the car
Making me follow him after waking up Saucisse

"Are you murdering me?" I repeated again

"No, I'm not murdering you." He told me grabbing some bags from the trunk, waving off the driver when he had finished

"What's in the bag?" I asked curiously

"Some gasoline, matches, and a few marshmallows so I can make a nice toasted s'more over your burning body,"
he said looking at me with wide eyes

I was silent for a while processing what he had just told me

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