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Charles POV

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Charles POV

I looked down at Amélie's phone, reading her makeshift 'plan' thinking it was ridiculous.
I'm not doing any of this, I sent Amélie a snarky smile and shook my head.

I watched her frown in an attempt to make me feel guilty, which won't work she's been doing this since she was 13 I have gotten used to it. I think.

"Amélie arrêt," I stated to her firmly, this is stupid she can message this boy later and arrange something.

"s'il vous plaît s'il vous plaît Charles," she whined giving me puppy eyes causing me to roll my eyes
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"Non. Why don't you get something to drink." I started getting annoyed by her whines turning her head toward the bar

"Please, Charles!" She begged again giving me goo-goo eyes

"I don't want to get involved Amélie especially not what you're asking me to do, that's ridiculous," I responded rubbing my eyebrows in frustration

"Look, I have to talk to people and so do you I'm sure."
"Just go and talk to him, don't make it obvious there are cameras all around us."

"But bu-" I cut her off by turning her
eye-line towards his direction

I watched her smile at the sight of him and look back at me with a frown
Causing my face to drop in confusion

"What?" I dropped my hands on both of her shoulders so she was fully facing me

"I can't talk to him around here, he's with his teammates and coach." she looked back at him and the cameras around us

"We don't have any links, if people knew that we were 'friends' it would be different." I understand where she was coming from, but I didn't understand why she couldn't talk to him.

"So what? I meet new people at events like this all the time."

"I doubt anyone would notice, here instead of your ridiculous plan I can just go and talk to him for you."

"Uhm, it depends what are you going to say?" she focused on me completely awaiting my response

"Along the lines of 'Hey mate you see that girl over there, she wants to meet you somewhere but she's afraid of the press.' "

"Great right?" I smiled proud of my plan, hers was stupid and I'll never let it go. It's the perfect opportunity to tease her about it later on.

"It sucks. But will have to do I'm desperate." she groaned with frustration and added a frown to her expression

"Whatever, let me go and talk to him." I rolled my eyes and sighed wanting to be introduced to him rather than harassing him, Arthur would kill me if I let her down as would my mother.

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