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Amélie's POV

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Amélie's POV

"You're right, I should get to know you first,"  I whispered breaking eye contact

He turned my head to lock eyes with him again, "It's unless you want to get to know me after."

"After," I responded almost immediately and gave him a cheesy smile

He let go of my hands giving me the freedom to feel him, I brought down my hands to rest on his jaw rubbing my hand over his stubble.

He smiled, hard. I almost even heard a quiet laugh

His eyes are deep brown, but it reminds me of a warm chocolate chip cookie. Warm and soft. That's what I see in his eyes, Warmth. almost like he eats up all the heat from my body and leaves me cold as ice. But in a good way since he's currently like a blanket warming me up.

"Amélie,-" I cut him off slipping my arms around his neck and sinking my lips into his.

His lips are full and plump, and surprisingly smooth.

His body against mine feels like static, my stomach fills with bliss I feel all fluttery inside. Jude deepens the kiss and I wrap my legs around his hard body.
As I do this he becomes less tense, almost as if he loosened giving up and melting into me.

Wanting more I gently bite his bottom lip causing him to groan in response, moving from my lips to my neck I wrap my hands around his body slipping them under his shirt, and feeling his toned abs and his muscular back God, I love sportsmen.

He's only gently kissing my neck, clearly not wanting to leave a mark. I wouldn't mind if he did nothing makeup can't cover.

"You don't have to be gentle, I can deal with it later."

He didn't say a word just looked at me deeply and nodded going back to work on my neck, he shifted his hands to feel my body all the dips and curves. I start trying to remove his shirt but he moves from my neck to stop me.

"We have to get to know each other before we get there I just don't want to escalate and you end up regretting it." he gave me an apologetic smile almost like he had to force himself to stop me, I understood though he has a point he doesn't want to get hurt.

I frowned but he quickly kissed it away making me smile into it. He deepened it again this time lifting me from the bed and gripping onto my ass, causing me to moan into the kiss making him smile.

I guess he didn't want to go further, maybe he thought I was just going to use him for sex. I wouldn't do that, but it's fine we could stay clothed.

We were about to go further but a knock at the door stopped us. Jude broke from the kiss turning his head in the direction of the door, As he's doing so I do the same.

The both of us take a moment to fix ourselves, he sits slumped on the bed like nothing happened. While I make my way to answer the door, I don't have any clue who it could be at this hour.

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