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Amélie's Pov

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Amélie's Pov

Charles. Not exactly the person I wanted to see, or shall I say hoped?

Wait, Charles? Why is he here?

Confusion spread throughout my expression. As I knitted my eyebrows together forgetting that I haven't responded to him or even said hello.

All he saw was a confused face, probably making him confused as well.

That was so rude of me.

I fixed my face and gave Charles a wide smile showing my dimples, making him return the same smile as me just larger.

"Charles!" I exclaimed giving him a hug

"How are you? I haven't seen you since New years." I haven't had any time to watch any races or even attend any.

"I'm good," he responded removing himself from the hug, still smiling back at me.

"What are you doing here? And how have the races been, I haven't been able to watch any but I heard about the DNF in Bahrain."

"I got a sponsor from Prada, they invited me, races have been stressful Bahrain wasn't what we hoped for but hopefully Saudi Arabia will be better."  He explained to me like he had it memorized into his head, he probably did.

"I am sure you will do great, I'll be sure to find time to watch it."

"I appreciate that Amélie , who were you looking for by the way?" Charles asked looking around the room

"Just one of my friends, I met him a few weeks ago," I responded with a smile taking a seat next to the runway, Charles joined next to me

I watched his eyes widen when he fully processed what I had said, which took him a while.

"Him!?" Charles exclaimed looking at me with disbelief

"Is this the footballer that Arthur mentioned?" he asked me again changing his expression to a smirk

I laughed before looking back to him and responding, "Arthur talks a lot doesn't he?"

He looked away from me and then turned back. "I don't think I was meant to tell you that I knew," he responded

"It's alright, and yes it is the footballer." I looked around the room still looking for him.

"Of course, it was I knew this-" Charles was talking but I wasn't listening, my eyes were focused on the person that entered the building.

He was wearing a navy blue tux, his collar was worn in Notch Lapels which made him look very smart. I know him though, he is far from that.

But he looked perfect, his eyes got caught with mine, and he did a small wave at me.

"C'est quoi Amélie?" Charles shook my shoulders jumping me back to reality.
He looked at what I was so focused on and chuckled looking back at me with a smile.
↠ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪs ɪᴛ ᴀᴍéʟɪᴇ?↞

"Huh? What? why are you smiling like that?" I looked at Charles confused.

He shook his head slowly still with a smile on his face "Do you have any idea of what I just explained to you?"

"Uhm yeah." lie.
"You were talking about playing Tennis with Lorenzo and Arthur." I pulled that straight out of my ass

"No. I was talking about what Arthur told me about this footballer." Yeah great going Amélie You were so off.

I watched Charles try and discreetly point at Jude "Is that him?"

I nodded, "Yes."  I swatted his hand away making sure to not get seen by Jude.

"Aye aye, you can be more gentle!" Charles whisper-shouted at me

I ignored Charles and looked at where Jude was going to sit, he was with his team and coach so I knew he couldn't just up and leave to sit with me. Which is completely fine considering that I was sat next to Charles who would 100% embarrass me.

You could say that Charles and his family are I guess you could say also my family, I know them mainly because I became friends with Aria And Arthur in Year 8.

My mom and Charles's mom got close and the next thing I knew, I was in Monaco almost every holiday for at least 2 weeks.

Charles became basically a big brother to me like Kylian, except Charles was more...protective, Aria and I always complain about that.

I never explained how I got close to Kylian, it was quite odd for me especially because I was so used to knowing people in motorsport, to suddenly know someone in Football was very strange.

But this one was my dad, normally it was my mom meeting people but this time it was my dad.

He knew Kylian's dad or something like that and we got invited to dinner once then Kylian and I automatically hit it off, or so I thought, apparently I was just an annoying girl that wanted to play board games with him all the time.

But eventually, after his teenage years, we became friends.

Anyways enough about how I met Charles and the rest of them.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you hard I just didn't want him to see you pointing at him."

"That's why I did it so he wouldn't see!" he exclaimed

"Charles!" "Don't shout, it's about to start I turned his head so he was now looking at the runway."

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙
(I don't know what happens at a modeling event 😭)

The event went well apart from one of the male models stumbling because of the shoe size. Other than that everything went fine

I occasionally shot Jude a few looks to which he returned with a smile, we couldn't do or say anything to each other since we were now in the 'media's spotlight' whatever that means.

I could talk to Charles and a few other people since the media knew that we are close.

But I wouldn't talk to Jude in public much before I see headlines titled

'Borussia Dortmund star, Jude Bellingham caught talking with Actress Amélie Beaulieu at this year's Prada event.'

That wouldn't be the best title for my career now, would it?

I wanted to talk to him since our get-together ended early, or so it felt.

I have an idea for how I can see him tonight.

Charles might have to help me though. if he's willing

"Charles?" I whispered showing the plan I wrote in my notes.

Also, I forgot to mention that I use google translate for all of the languages

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Also, I forgot to mention that I use google translate for all of the languages.

So if you see any mistakes feel free to correct them so I can fix it ❤️

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