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Amélie's POV

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Amélie's POV

I turned just my head slightly to eye the person behind me, I expected it to be Charles or Jude.

But to my surprise, again. I was wrong.

It was a guy, he looked around my age.
His dark brown hair wasn't styled, I would say it was only brushed through.

He also wasn't ugly, I don't think anyone here could top Mr.Gargamel on the ugliness chart.

He must have been invited, he was dressed way too proper to be staff.

I watched as he opened his mouth to say something, but he hesitated so I chose to speak up instead.

"How may I help you?" I questioned him while tapping on the bar counter
I regretted my choice of words the second it left my mouth.

"I was just coming to check on you, you seemed...stressed?" he softly responded

"Oh..thanks I'm not stressed I just needed a drink." I smiled up at the brown-haired man, trying to end this conversation.

"Alright understood. May I ask why you needed to speed walk over to the bar?"

"I-" "Speed walked?"
"If you think that was speeding I don't want to know how slow you walk." frowning at the boy I turned back to see if I was in Charles's eye-line, in case this guy is a creep.

The force above was finally in my favor, I could see that if anything were to happen, which I doubt since this is a whole ass event. Charles was facing my direction, he wasn't watching me but if anything he could help.

Checking my surroundings again, Jude was busy entertaining some females which made my stomach turn at the sight.
Knitting my eyebrows I look back towards the man I haven't introduced myself to.

"I'm Amélie." I stretched out my hand to be formal "And you?"

His mouth curved into a grin excepting my hand before responding "Felix."

"Here you go, Schatz." Gargamel pushed my Spritz toward me while I internally gagged at the use of the nickname again

Picking up my drink gently I took a sip keeping my eyes fixated on Felix, "Do you understand what he said?" I questioned him

"Darling, he said Darling." Felix looked into my eyes as I continued to drink, knitting my brows together and letting out a small chuckle shaking my head at the new knowledge. I knew Gargamel was one to stay away from.

"Don't you think he looks a little like Gargamel?" We both walked away from the bar to take a seat at a small table close by.

"Gargamel?" The wavey brunette asked confused by my question, maybe they don't have Smurfs in Germany... Is he even German?

"From the Smurfs. Where are you from?" I asked changing the topic, not wanting to talk about a kid's movie, it's embarrassing talking about stuff like this at my grown age.
I remembered the conversation with Jude about a kid's book, I'll still read it.

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