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Amélie's POV

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Amélie's POV

It was almost midnight and all that could be heard at this time were the gentle knocks on my hotel room's door, I had a conversation with Jude and we ended up settling with just a movie at my hotel. It wasn't the best thing in the world but it was a way to be closer to Jude, so I didn't mind.

pushing myself off the bed, I quietly made my way to answer the door. I peeped through the door hole to see no one. "Strange," I thought opening the door slightly to see again, no one.

Did I imagine the knocks? They were very soft.

"So, you just open doors when you see no one is there?" Jude quietly joked revealing himself from hiding behind a plant pot, leading me to let out a quiet squeal. How did I not see this coming?

"Not funny, it's too late to be scaring me like this," I said straightening my posture to seem unfazed by his attempt to scare me.

"It's...only midnight," The football player said looking at his watch

"Oh shit, do you have practice tomorrow? I should have asked before inviting you over." I rubbed my shoulder gently giving him space to enter the room

"Don't worry, I think of I had somewhere to go tomorrow I would've rescheduled."
He smiled entering the room and turning to sit on a small couch in the corner of the room.

I sighed closing the door behind me to sit crisscross on the bed, "thank god, I would have felt bad, when do you next have training?"

"Tomorrow." he smiled

My jaw automatically fell, I thought he said he would've rescheduled.

I watched a wide smile grow on his face. Maybe he was joking?
"It's in the late afternoon, relax"

"Please don't joke like that." I sighed rubbing my forehead

He laughed hitting his thigh before speaking again "Alright I am here now so what shall we do?"

"Mhm, movie?" I honestly didn't think of what to do, It was either this or just talking, But I feel like that would be a little awkward since we have only just met.

"Okay, what movie are we thinking of?" Jude smiled coming to sit farther back on the bed

I stood up to get the remote

"Not sure, Horror?" I suggest turning on the TV and making my way toward the bed

"I didn't take you as the horror type." I shook my head at his comment

"Horror is my favorite genre, it's that or Comedies. OH, I know a movie." I chuckled knowing he would find it silly

"Have you watched 'Scary Movie'?"

Jude simply shook his head, "There is a Horror movie called 'scary movie'?" He laughed

"Mhm well it's not a 'horror' " I added air quotes

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