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Third person:
The casino is working slower than usual probably because most people came just to see Dice but since he
has not been seen as much working at the casino less people came "Wheezy good to see you." Dice shook Wheezys hand all smiles "well you look busy." Wheezy makes a few jokes and questions about why he hasn't seen dice in the casino. "Wheezy quick come here" Dice takes wheezy to a corner where there are no cameras "Do you have a morning after pill or plan B?" Dice whispers to wheezy "Dice you know I can't give you that." Wheezy explains "You know you can come on this is a big favor I need to start working" Dice insists "*Sigh* fine I guess if you want them that much I'll drive you to the store" wheezy sighs and gives in "Thank you." Dice smiles

Later on wheezy takes dice to the nearest convenience store "You got it?" Wheezy asks "Yes" dice also got a bottle of water and took the pills in the car "Too late to turn back now" dice said after swallowing the two pills "does devil know your trying to abort the baby?"wheezy questions "Oh no I'm hold on I'll be right back" dice quickly got out the car and made himself throw up the pills on the side of the store dice wipes his mouth gets in the car and drinks some water.

"Done?" Wheezy teases "Shut up and drive me to the casino."
They arrive and dice goes upstairs and hears yelling coming from devils room since it's still dices job dice knocks gently on the door "Open it!"
Dice always forgets you have to turn the doorknob left instead of right but this time he did not struggle when he opened that door there was a
Raggedy dust overweight women who looked about more than 300 with greasy brown hair with pale
pasty skin was seated down in the small dark brown chair "Where is my son!" The woman turns to face dice and yells in his face "First of all don't yell in my face and second how could you notice your child was gone did it jump out of your kangaroo pouch as you chugged a beer." Dice wipes the spit off his face with a smug look on his face "Dice remember the small boy we found?" Devil speaks slowly.

Devil POV
"The one from MONTHS ago" dice says his mouth gaped open. The women's face looks unbothered "If that's your child I'm calling cps." Dice mentions "You're not calling anyone and if you do im calling the police and telling them you left a child in a dangerous environment." The women puts a smirk on her face as if she did anything. "Funny of you to think that we don't have recordings of him having a fun time and enjoying himself when we found him he had terrible tangles in his hair." I said in a monotone way. "I don't care just get this bitch to give me my kid!" The women stumbles and almost

falls but keeps her balance. "Excuse me I don't even think that's your kid because who the hell would fuck your old sorry ass." Dice is upset at being called a bitch. "Dice just go get the kid can't afford you getting hurt." Devil sighs.

Third person pov

Dice walks out of the room to find Mellroy in his small space in dices room "Mellroy apparently your mom is in the office waiting for you." Dice is disappointed. "Gogo Gaga no" Mellroy clearly does not want to go with her he hakes his head no "I know you don't want to go but it's not safe." "Let me stay gogo Gaga" Mellroy begs dice. "So you do talk?" "No gogo Gaga lala" Mellroy attempts to make dice Guess wrong.

Dice puts Mellroy in a carrier and walks back to the office and opens the door. Mellroy unbuckles himself and runs behind Devils desk "Alex get back from there!" "Help" Mellroy grips onto Devils leg looking up at him. "Are you sure this is your child?" Devil had his suspicion "This child has hazel eyes you have brown this child has curly black hair you have straight brown hair this child has a mocha skin don't you have a pale skin tone." "I guess you have a point Boss." Dice is on Devils side mostly because he dislikes the woman. "Well he is mixed." "Are you sure?" "Yes I'm sure I gave birth to him." "Well I've looked at the cameras and it seems like you snuck him in here to use one of our ATMs." Devil said reasonably. "So I guess who are right but you have to sign a form." Dice have the women a pen and a paper. "For what?" "You left your child here for 4 months." Devil puts Mellroy on his lap "Of you don't sign the form he will be put in a foster home" "Since you kept him you would be the one who kept him here you'll be arrested." The women states .

"No, it took you 4 months to find out where you left your child and since you snuck him in here and broke one of the rules you can be charged but since we're trying to cooperate with you you will get your child back and sign this form and you can leave." "Hmm.." the women looks at the paper and gasps "200 DOLLARS!?" "you left your child with us and we had to pay for it food, clothes, diapers,toy, etc" Dice says counting on his fingers. "If you don't pay that child will be put in the system" "I can't believe this." The women signs and ends up paying them in two weeks.

Four weeks past and Dice Wonders if he should tell devil about how he felt
how he tried to kill the Baby.
Dice knocks on devils office door. "What,Who is it" Devil says in a rough voice "Its just me boss." Dice says prepared to open the door. "Come in." Devil says writing something on a paper. "What is it dice?" "Well I'm not going to waste your time any longer so.." Dice takes a deep breath. "A few weeks ago I tried to..kill the baby.." Devil stops writing and looks up at dice with a confused face "I felt like I was being useless like I couldn't help with anything" "The babys going to come in like less than a month I wish you would have told me sooner but it's not your you still feel like you don't want the baby?" Devil looks at dice in his eyes dice puts his hands on his stomach. "Of course I want this baby it's ours I just had a episode the stress has been getting to me lately"

Dice looks down "It's okay it's not your fault you've had a lot of pressure on you it's okay..but what I want you to do is try to stay in your room for the time being people can get reckless only come downstairs after the casino closes."

Dice takes Devils advice and stays in his room he gets in the shower and then he feels a sharp pain on the lower part of his stomach "Nfgg" Dice muffles his voice with his hand in the shower he quickly uses soap and get out he dries off feeling contractions
He puts on his 'sleepwear' on and goes to talk with devil

He knocks twice no answer he knocks three times no answer he knocks four times no answer he bangs on the door 5 times devil swings the door open with an aggravated ook "What!?"

"I have to tell you something."

1318 WORDS!

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