Chapter 3 - Inevitable Fate

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I swear this thing is just staring at me. It's a slime right? I couldn't help but look at it but it was definitely just a slime. It was the only presence here... did Veldora die and simply his essence just took out the entire cave with it? No, then why was there this slime here?

"HELLO!" That sound was piercing as all living hell! What kind of speech was that! That thing nearly blew out my eardrums after speaking!

"Could you just be quieter! You nearly blew out my eardrums!"

"Sorry... I didn't mean to... I'm still trying to figure this out... I only learned to speak again recently..."

Wait, it apologized?! Hold on? Again recently? What was this thing saying?

"What even are you?"

"I'm quite clearly a slime."

"No, no you definitely are not. I have never met a slime that can speak like this... are you a Unique Monster of sorts?"

"Ohhhh I heard of that before! Papa told me I was one!"

" Hold on, slimes have dads?"

This was definitely new, even if I come back with nothing, apparently I can die knowing that slimes actually reproduce considering this one had a dad.

"Yeah! Papa Veldora!"


It seems I have found the source of this things power! This thing is the offspring of Veldora?! I heard monsters lose their strength when they have children but considering the Storm Dragon suddenly vanished, I wouldn't be surprised now to know that this thing is responsible for it!

"C-could you explain your encounter with him?"

Considering this slime can talk, maybe I could get some more information out of them. Veldora is an Advanced Class Monster that can't easily be dealt with. If this creature really had something to do with its disappearance then surely it would know a thing or two about it.

"Oh, we did talk! He told me about a story of a hero that defeated him! He told me lots of things like how I'm a rein.. Reincar... I dunno how to say it... rein.. Re-in-car-nay-tion-ist... I think that's how you say it..."

"Say that again." I really need to double check what this slime thing just said. Did it try spelling out reincarnationist? Reincarnationists are usually humans that come to this world after dying in a different one. Was that Storm Dragon messing with this thing's mind or did it know something that it didn't?

"Reincawnationiss. Did I say it right?"

"Do... Do you have any memories of a previous life? Did you have a Japanese name?"

"I do but I can't remember my name though... actually...japanese... oh wait! I do remember something! I think it was something like Satoru... Mikami... I think..."

This is... I don't know what to actually say to this thing... from the name I can only assume it is a man but it is way too weird to tell. Moreover, it seems like it has serious language problems even though language should easily be translated thanks to Skills. I didn't even have trouble going between worlds and figuring out how to speak but this slime seems to be having trouble. Is it trying to make up a lie? No, why would something like this even need to lie?!

"I want to know... how old were you when you died?"

"I think... I got stabbed by a bad guy..."

This feels like a child I'm talking to...

"How old? It's ok, no need to rush!"

"...I think uhh... [Grand Sage] how old was I when I died?... [Grand Sage] says I was seven?"

Children of Tempest - That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now