Chapter 8 - Developing Child

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Treyni is scary... she yelled at me for an hour straight without mercy...

{You did destroy the forest she was to manage by the individual named 'Veldora Tempest'-}

Could you stop with the 'InDiViDuAl NaMeD'?? Can't you just refer to them normally?? There is no reason why you should be saying that!

{Notice: The use of the phrase is to distinguish between an average monster and the individual that has intelligence.}

It doesn't really help! Look, just refer to papa normally!

{Affirmative, changed confirmed.}

Thank you... now please, could you continue?

{Dryads were in charge of managing the forest according to Veldora Tempest, you had destroyed several sections of that forest through trying to train that power of yours.}

...I'm such a bad kid....

{Notice: Treyni has returned.}



"Lord Rimuru, I have come... back?" I entered the room to find it completely empty. Rimuru was still definitely around here unless he hopped into the shadows. Although I would be able to just simply ask the plants where he had gone. Yet none of the plants nearby had him in their shadows...

I looked around the room and looked under the bed. Soon enough, I found that mask that Rimuru would always carry around on the top of his head. It was definite that he wouldn't just abandon something like this and somehow hide his aura at the same time. I grabbed the mask and sure enough, I saw 'Horned Rabbit' desperately clinging onto it from behind.

"Lord Rimuru, it's not a good idea to hide from me, right?." I glared at him, I dropped the mask and watched him turn to sludge before returning back to the human mimic form he had.

Honestly, Rimuru was just too adorable to remain mad at... although he did destroy an absurd part of the forest that me and my sisters had cared about for centuries... that his own father would have gifted to him since his father's disappearance...

"Lord Rimuru, I believe we should talk again about something." I watched Rimuru suddenly shake, he was nervous. I mean I did just talk him down and glare at him for about an hour earlier.

"W-w-what?" He seemed extremely nervous, oh no matter!

"Simple, for today onwards, I will be your caretaker along with my sisters."


Yeah it was pretty understandable he would be confused from that statement.

"Your powers are out of control, you do need to train them. Me and my sisters will watch over you and help you train your powers for now. Just... don't burn down the forest again..."

"Wha... wait... so..."

"Don't worry, we will be watching over your development. For now, please head to sleep, it's getting late."


I proceeded to leave the room and vanish into thin air, reappearing back towards where my sisters have been waiting for my return.

"Sister! Are you ok?" Trya asked, she seemed worried.

"Yes, yes I'm fine. I have made a deal with the leader of the Ogre Village about the situation regarding Lord Rimuru."

"What was the situation?" Doris asked, both of them wanted to know about the situation.

"Simple, we will be visiting the Ogre Village from now on, Rimuru will be raised in the Ogre Village so he could develop companions."

Children of Tempest - That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now