Chapter 16 - Change

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"Young Master!"

Rimuru and the Young Master high fived each other as they finally reunited, both had given off a warm smile. Rimuru looked over to see the Princess was somewhat in tears as she rushed over towards him.

"You made us dead worried when you wandered off! You succumbed to your Slime instincts didn't you?!"

"Ummm... maybe...?"

"Haha! Well dad told us all about the battle! You weren't lying when you said you could transform into a dragon!"

"Heh yeah..."

Rimuru remembered his transformation but he never expected his transformation could achieve something of the size he turned into. It was a massive form that he could barely hold onto and he nearly lost himself until [Grand Sage] knocked sense back into him. He really kept losing control and needed to learn regulation of his own powers and Skills. Now, he had a lot more to work with since not only did Rimuru take in the power of the Orc Disaster but the additional powers of hundreds of creatures that the Orc Disaster had devoured through the consumption of [Starved].


"I want to see it! Could you-"

"Brother!" The Princess was staring at the Young Master who wanted to see Rimuru's draconic form. Although she refused to let that happen lest this little village they are working on gets blown away from the potential size.

"Right..." Young Master got the hint immediately.

"" Rimuru became slightly curious.

<[Grand Sage]?>

<<Notice. The Draconic Form can be controlled in size through [Viscous Configuration]. In addition, the size is not possible unless the mass stored within the [Stomach] is drawn out. As a result, it is relatively easy to manipulate and control the size as a result.>>


Rimuru began to revert his forms a bit. First towards his Slime form before the alteration towards his Dragon form. Out popped a small Chibi Dragon, the base form, which laid near equivalent to the Slime form in both mass and size. Immediately, the Princess adored the small dragon while the Young Master found it was cool looking. All their stress that Rimuru's dragon form would wipe out the village was for nothing as they looked upon Rimuru. The surrounding construction workers couldn't help but look at the small dragon form but it didn't last. Rimuru reverted back to his human form since the Dragon form felt a bit uncomfortable. Unlike the Slime form he had, the amount of moving parts in the Dragon form felt absurdly weird since it was an absurdly tanky form where his skin was altered into scales. It was like wearing a full set of armor after all.

Rimuru stretched and bent himself when he adjusted back.

"I don't really like it... I like being human and slime more." The other two looked visibly confused.

"What's wrong with it?"

"Hard to move in..."

"Huh? In what way?"

"You don't need to tell us if you don't want to describe it."

"But I wanna hear it!"

"Brother!" The Princess jabbed the Young Master in the side.


"Rimuru! Can you not run off like that!" The Chief finally caught up towards Rimuru, "Each time someone takes their eyes off you for a second! You disappear to who knows where!!!"

Children of Tempest - That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now