Chp:-5 Meeting in Mumbai

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After talking to Shaurya bhaiya, I had made up my mind to meet Gautam and talk things out. I knew that there was something special about him, something that made me want to give this a chance. I don't know why, I just knew it. I went to my parents and told them about Gautam and my decision to meet him.

I said, "Mom, Dad, I want to meet Gautam Singhania. I think we should talk and see where this goes."

My parents were surprised but pleased with my decision.

My mother said, "That's great news, Sanya! We're so happy to hear that. We'll talk to Gautam's parents and arrange a meeting."

My father said, "Yes, we'll make sure everything is set up properly. It's important that you get to know each other better."

Both our parents talked to each other and decided to fly down to Mumbai immediately. I was nervous and excited at the same time. I had no idea what to expect, but I was determined to make the most of this opportunity. We immediately flew down to Mumbai within 2 days.

Me and Gautam met at the Priyadarshini Park, Nepean Sea Road near the Singhania residence, 2 days after we landed in Mumbai. My initial feelings towards him ranged from feeling comfortable and at ease around him to feeling slightly nervous or apprehensive about the situation.

We talked about our respective careers and hobbies for a while, before getting to the more important topic of their past relationships.

"Sanya, I want to tell you about my past, about my ex-girlfriend Saanvi," Gautam said, his voice shaking just a little.

I had never imagined that I'd ever see him be so vulnerable.

I nodded and listened patiently as he told me everything about Saanvi - how they met, how they fell in love, and how they broke up. He told me about Saanvi's father's death, about how she had to take over the family business, and how the pressure and grief had taken a toll on her.

He also told me this was why he turned workaholic not caring about the fact that people think he is boring, be resorted to burying himself with work so that no one notices his pain and he hid it very well. It must've been so painful for him. But the way he fondly spoke about Saanvi, I couldn't understand why I felt so many pangs in my heart.

"I still love her, Sanya. I know it sounds crazy, but I can't help it. I thought we were meant to be together," Gautam said, feeling a little embarrassed.

I listened patiently and then spoke my heart out.

I said, "Gautam, I can understand how difficult it must have been for you. But I also believe that if Saanvi really loved you, she wouldn't have just bailed on you. Maybe it wasn't meant to be, and you need to move on. Sometimes things happen for a reason and when you realise why they did you'll be like thank God it happened the way it did."

Gautam nodded in agreement appreciating my words of wisdom. "You're right."

And now it was my turn to talk about my past relationships.

I sighed and cleared my throat and said, "I had a boyfriend as you all know, Rohan Dev Raichand, back in high school. We dated in the 12th grade, which is an important year, but my father was really strict. He would have caught us and the consequences would have been bad. Defying him like that felt so wrong, I felt guilty. So I broke up with Rohan. He respected me, liked me, but he never loved me. It didn't affect him but it affected me deeply because I loved him."

Gautam listened patiently and then spoke up.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that too. Sanya, I know Rohan. He's now married to my sister Alia, and they complete each other. He has moved on and is happy with Alia. He has never ever loved anyone like he loves Alia. I think you did the right thing by letting him go." Gautam said.

I smiled and said, "I'm happy for them. You're right, they sure are perfect for each other."

We both listened to each other patiently and then spoke wise words to each other about going forward in life. It seemed like he's just what I needed all along.

Gautam slowly said, "I'm ready to move on and see where things go with you." It's as if he read my mind.

I smiled, feeling a warm glow spread through my body. "I feel the same way,"

Gautam said, "Sanya, I'm glad we talked. I think we have a lot to offer each other. Let's take things slow and see where this goes."

I said, "I agree, Gautam. Let's get to know each other better and see where this leads us."

And so, this was the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, filled with hope and excitement for the future.