Chp:-13 Complexities

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It had been 12 days since I was discharged from the hospital, and each of those days seemed like an eternity. Gautam had been my rock throughout this time, taking care of me as if his life depended on it. I was surprised to see this side of his, nonetheless I love it! I was supposed to fly to London last week but I have extended my stay.

He ensured I took my medicines on time, constantly monitored my temperature, and checked every morsel of food to make sure it was safe for me. My condition was indeed sensitive. I am truly lucky and grateful to have a doting person like Gautam. Nik, Nisha, Gautam's parents and Uncle & Aunt are coming back in 5 days. I will go back to work, I will work from our Washington office.

Gautam and I had grown even closer during these days. We spent hours talking, laughing, and sometimes just sitting in comfortable silence. It felt as if the universe conspired to bring us together through this incident.

One evening, while I was sitting in my room, wrapped in a cozy blanket, trying to work up the energy to continue with my work, Gautam entered with a warm smile on his face.

"Sanya, I've set up the study for you. I know how badly you've been wanting to catch up on those conference calls," he said.

I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude and happiness. "Thank you, Gautam. You've been so incredible, taking care of me, and now this. I really appreciate it."

He chuckled softly. "But promise me you won't work for too long. Your health comes first."

I said, "Yes dad." He glared at me. I chuckled.

As he left my room, a realization hit me. My feelings for Gautam were not just a crush or infatuation. It was something deeper, something more profound. I watched him walk away, my heart pounding with a newfound awareness that would undoubtedly change the course of our relationship.


The days after Sanya's allergic reaction & hospitalisation had been challenging, but her health has improved a lot in these 12 days. Sanya's recovery was my top priority, and I made sure she had the best care possible. I kept our families updated about her well-being and reassured them that everything was under control. Our bond grew stronger with each passing day, I could feel our bond strengthening with every passing moment. She possessed all the qualities I had ever wanted in a partner, and I found myself falling for her more deeply.

However, amidst all of this, after the encounter with my ex Saanvi at the charity ball and after our dinner together where she had informed me that she was establishing her business in the United States and would be in the country for a while. Saanvi needed my help, and initially, I agreed to assist her, wanting to be polite and supportive.

But as days passed, I realized that helping out Saanvi will involve a lot of my time and energy, and that was not the right path for me. My heart and my future were with Sanya. So, I politely but firmly declined Saanvi's requests for my assistance whenever she texted or called me. I sent my personal assistant to help her, hoping she would understand. However, Saanvi was a stubborn girl, she kept calling me repeatedly and finding excuses to meet in person.

In the evening, as I sat in my study checking important emails, my phone rang, and it was Saanvi calling. I hesitated for a moment but answered, exchanging pleasantries.

"Hi, Gautam. I hope you and Sanya are doing well," Saanvi began.

I nodded and replied, "Yes, Sanya's getting better. Her health is improving, and she's back to work now."

Saanvi's voice sounded hopeful as she asked, "That's great to hear. By the way, Gautam, I was thinking, it's been so long since we caught up properly. How about dinner? I've found this wonderful restaurant, and I really want to see you. You can't keep avoiding me forever."

I sighed, slightly irritated by her persistence, and answered, "Saanvi, you know I'm incredibly busy. I've got a lot on my plate."

She paused for a moment and then replied, "I understand, Gautam, but it won't be a long dinner. I have something important to discuss & it's also just a chance for us to catch up."

Reluctantly, I agreed, knowing that she was not going to take no for an answer. "Fine, Saanvi. Let's meet for dinner. But it can't be for long and it has to be brief. I hope you understand."

She sounded pleased and said, "Thank you, Gautam. I'll text you the details. I promise it won't take up too much of your time."

As I hung up, I couldn't help but wonder why Saanvi was so insistent on spending time with me. I couldn't help but wonder what she wanted to discuss so urgently, and I had a feeling that this dinner might bring more complexities into my life. God, I hope not! But for now, I needed to focus on my priority which is, Sanya's well-being and our growing relationship.