Chp:-12 The Almost Fatal Supper

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The next day after getting ticking off their 'to-do' list for the day, Gautam and Sanya got ready to go to dinner with Saanvi. Gautam was definitely upset, angry and sad yesterday after seeing Saanvi for the first time after so many years at the party but he decided to rise above it and he knew he has Sanya by his side, he has moved on and she doesn't matter anymore.

'Past is a place of reference, not a place of residence,' Gautam knew this very well and he firmly believed in this famous quote and he implemented it. It was difficult for him but he knew he has to do this. He was waiting for Sanya down at the foyer since last 15 minutes.

He yelled, "Sanya, how long are you going to take? It's just a casual dinner."

Sanya said, "Coming down in 2!"

Eventually, Sanya came down to the foyer. She wore a simple and casual yet a pretty one piece dress. Gautam was just awestruck looking at her. 'How can someone effortlessly be so elegant,' he couldn't help but think that.

Sanya clapped loudly to make him come out of trance, "Come on, Mr Singhania let's make a move."

Gautam came out of trance and nodded and they headed towards his car and settled inside. Gautam drove out. While he focused on driving, the uncomfortable look on Sanya's face didn't go unnoticed by Gautam. He just took her hand in his while driving at the same time and gave it a reassuring squeeze, she just smiled weakly.

Soon, they reached Gordon Ramsay's restaurant. Gautam gave his keys to the valet chauffeur and they took out their valuables from the car and headed inside the restaurant. They were greeted at the door by an employee.

"Welcome Sir & Ma'am."

Gautam said, "Thank you, there's a reservation in the name of Miss Saanvi Sonpal."

The employee said, "Yes sir, Miss Sonpal is inside. You may enter and go down the hall to the left."

Sanya and Gautam said, "thank you." They headed inside.

Saanvi saw them come to the table and she smiled warmly at the couple. "I'm really glad you both could make it. It's been too long Gautam," she said, her voice tinged with nostalgia.

As they settled down Saanvi cleared her throat and asked, "Gautam, since I'm here for a bit longer, would you mind helping me set up my deceased dad's business in Washington DC? Your expertise would be of great help," she requested, her eyes filled with hope.

Gautam paused for a moment, considering the request. He knew that helping Saanvi would mean spending more time with her, something that he hadn't anticipated.

But he also didn't want to appear unhelpful or distant. After all she was one of his best friends before everything else happened between them and he was always there for his friends no matter what.

"Of course, Saanvi. I'd be happy to assist," he agreed, a sense of duty compelling him.

Sanya felt a pang in her heart at Gautam's willingness to help Saanvi. She understood that it was a request from his ex-girlfriend. She was well aware about the fact that she was one of his best friends and has always been there for all of his friends and it wouldn't be right to object, but it still stung.

The thought of Gautam spending more time with his ex-girlfriend made her uncomfortable. Saanvi, was eager to bridge the gap between her past with Gautam, she was desperate to keep him in her life and she noticed it and understood it so well. She kept her emotions hidden behind a polite smile.

"Thank you so much Gautam. I'll get in touch with you soon to discuss the details." Saanvi said.

Gautam smiled and nodded.

As they sat down for dinner at the restaurant, Saanvi initiated a trip down memory lane. "Gautam, do you remember those college days in Mumbai? We had such a blast."

Gautam's eyes sparkled with fond memories as he replied, "Absolutely, Saanvi. Those were some of the best times of my life."

Sanya tried to join the conversation, not wanting to feel left out. "It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun back then. I have heard a lot from Gautam about college days and would love to hear more about those days."

Gautam and Saanvi nodded politely in acknowledgment of Sanya's presence, but their conversation quickly resumed its nostalgic course. Most of it was in Gujarati which made Sanya feel like a fish out of water.

Saanvi continued, her eyes filled with amusement. "And what about that time when we convinced Vihaan to jump into the pool fully clothed during a party? Oh, the look on his face!"

Gautam laughed heartily, clearly engrossed in the past. "Vihaan didn't talk to us for a week after that. His brand new jacket was ruined. We were the worst friends."

Sanya tried to interject again, feeling increasingly out of place. "Wow, seems like you guys had some unforgettable experiences." She gave an uncomfortable chuckle.

Gautam and Saanvi exchanged a quick glance but continued reminiscing without including Sanya in their conversation.

Saanvi, with a sly smile, decided to reveal a little more about Gautam. "You know, Sanya, Gautam has some rather interesting likes and dislikes that you might not be aware of."

Sanya's curiosity was piqued. She wanted to learn more about her fiancé. "Oh, really? Please, do tell," she urged, eager for insights into Gautam's personality.

Gautam, caught off guard by Saanvi's comment, chuckled nervously. "Saanvi, don't reveal all my secrets now," he playfully scolded her.

Saanvi continued with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Well, for instance, Gautam absolutely loves spicy food. Gautam is not Gautam without spicy food. In fact, he once challenged his friend Nihar to a spicy food-eating contest and won!"

Sanya's eyes widened, and she couldn't help but feel embarrassed. She knew Gautam enjoyed spicy food, but she didn't realize the extent of his passion for it. She had in-fact always refrained him from having spicy food during their dates because it's not good for health in the long run. She wondered why he didn't confront her and made that clear to her.

Glancing at the menu, she hoped there would be something she could enjoy without drawing attention to herself. She was feeling out of place, uncomfortable and awkward. She excused herself saying that she has a call to attend and went outside the restaurant to take a breather. Tears came out of her eyes but she controlled herself and looked up at the sky and sighed deeply. She wiped her face and joined them inside.

As the food arrived, Sanya noticed one particular dish which had sesame that she was allergic to. Panic began to well up inside her, but she didn't want to make a fuss. Instead, she subtly pushed the dish aside, hoping no one would notice.

Saanvi, however, couldn't resist the temptation. She pointed at the dish with a mischievous smile. "Sanya, you know how much Gautam loves hummus and lavash? He can never stop eating or talking about it. He used to order this dish everywhere we went."

Sanya's heart sank, she couldn't help but feel bad about the fact that Saanvi knew about Gautam's preferences very well and she didn't. She couldn't eat the dish, but she also didn't want to draw attention to her allergy. She felt trapped and overwhelmed by the situation.

Sanya hesitantly said, "Oh yeah, let me try this, surprisingly I have never had that before. Let's see what's so special about this dish."

Trying to maintain her composure, Sanya decided to take a small, hesitant bite. Unfortunately, her worst fears were confirmed. Her face began to swell, and her breathing became labored. It was clear she was having an allergic reaction.

Gautam noticed what was happening and panicked and said, "Oh my God, Sanya are you ok? Shit!"

Gautam didn't waste a second. He grabbed her hand and rushed her out of the restaurant, his focus solely on getting her the medical help she needed. He decided to take her to the nearby hospital.

Saanvi was heartbroken to see Gautam leave. She watched them leave, guilt weighing heavily on her. She hadn't intended for the evening to take such a turn, and now she was left alone at the restaurant, her thoughts filled with regret and concern for Sanya's well-being.

Sanya or Gautam neither of them had imagined for this night to turn out to be an almost fatal supper.