𝙧𝙞𝙣 𝙞𝙩𝙤𝙨𝙝𝙞 -~ 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙗𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙨 ~- (𝙇𝙄𝙈𝙀)

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✧༺April 21 2023, 10:03 PM  LIME !!༻✧







It was somewhat late, as you were sleeping/napping. you wake up to the shared bedroom you and rin have. the door opens revealing the tall man you loved for 2 years. "oh..sorry baby." RIn has been getting home really late recently. it started to make you over think everything about this relationship. he says he caught up at football/soccer practice, but you believed it at first, and now it happened way to often. little did you know he really was at Soccer practice.

"hey.." you said turning on your right side not wanting to see him. he raises his eyebrow in confusion wondering why your acting like this. "what been up with you?" you sat up looking pissed off. "really rin..what up with me?" his eyes widen at you calling him by his first name. you never did unless something serious happened. you look down with tears in your eyes, quietly sobbing sitting on the bed. "your never home......if you are its always late like at 1 in the morning. why? are you seeing someone else?" you look up at him with tears in your eyes.

"babe I-" "NO RIN! I'VE WATED HERE FOR YOU EVERY FUCKING NIGHT!....do you know what that means?! i stay here waiting for YOUR ASS TO GET HOME!!" you yell out with anger, and tears. "y/n, just li-" "AND YOU COME LATE FOR THE PAST WEEKS SAYING OoHh I hAvE sOcCeR. give me a break rin!" you got up to walk out the room, until rin grabbed your hand. "baby please wait-" "let me go!" you struggled to get out his grip. "y/n stop just listen to me!" "no!" rin started to get frustrated with you. you grabbed you by the waist, and pushed you on the bed as he end ontop of you pinning your arms above you head. you blushed at his sudden actions. 

"now...your gonna listen to me alright." "N-" before you could speak you felt his lips smash onto yours. you tried to push him away, but you melted to his soft lips onto yours. it lasted for a while until he bit on your lower bottom lip causing you to moan in the kiss. "mm..~" you both pulled away leaving a string of saliva onto each other.

"now..youll listen to me..you know how busy i am with soccer.....and im sorry. i should'e messages you what was going on, and i know it seem skeptical for me getting home late all the time. i apologize for making you worry, and causing you to overthink from our relationship. i promise from now on i'll spend more time with you baby...i promise. i love you so much, and i wont do this ever again." your eyes wide as his apology. rin was always the one to be straight up with you.

"....im sorry...i just don't want you to leave.." you said looking away from him, but he made you loo back into his beautiful green blue-ish eyes. "baby, i know..im the only one to be apologizing." he smiles softly at you. your heart couldn't help but flutter everytime he smiles.

"still i guess i just overthink to much..im sorry i love you a lot." you said looking deep into his eyes smiling with a tint of pink blush running across your face. he chuckled "its alright hun." he said then leaned in to give you a kiss.

your lips sync exactly with his. his started to roam his hands dup your legs all the way to your thighs squeezing them, but not tightly. "mmm..~" "you like that sweetheart?~" he continued to roam his hands up, and down your thighs still kissing you. he moved from your lips to your neck leaving light butterflies kisses all over. "ahh.." he chuckled at the sounds of pleasure from his movement. 

he began to nibble on your neck, and then to lightly bite on it leaving small marks visible enough for people to see. "now everyone will now your mines babe!" he said with a wink at you. "just shut up, and keep going." "hmm..you really do love my love bites~" be began to continuously kiss you from your neck down to your shoulder. "nghh...~ r-rin~" "mmm..~ keep saying my name baby~" he started to put his hand up your shirt caressing your breast gently squeezing them casing you to moan quietly. "b-babe..~ stop teasing me!" you said as you arched your back in pleasure, as he bites on your neck, shoulder, and massaging your breast.

Rin chuckled at your frustrated self. he lifted up your shirt revealing your bare chest. he then left love bites all over your bare chest making you moan loudly his name. "r-rin!~ ahh...~" you grab his hair pulling him in more, but then he pulls away. "w-why'd you stop?!" "because...im not giving you pleasure tonight." he said as he got off, and layed besides you looking at his phone.

"why not!? what was the point of all this?!" "just to tease you. i wasn't gonna do anything." he winked at you causing you to blush. "b-but...so you left me horny FOR NOTHING?!" "mhm, I'm going to bed now love ya~" he said kissing your cheek as he pulled the sheets over himself trying to fall asleep. "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" "i said goodnight. maybe if you didn't interrupt me earlier and lasted out on me, then maybe i would've fucked you, but this was more fun. now i'm going to bed so goodnight." he said as he drifted to sleep. as for you, you were to horny to even fall asleep. rin itoshi the bastard he is just left you there not being able to sleep without the pleasure from him making you pass out.








god damn- lord forgive me for writing this 🙏ANYWAYS HOPE YOU ENJOYEDD and sorry for the spelling mistakes i am extremely tired so i didn't get the chance to re read for re fixing. but ya'll have a nice day/night byeee <3333

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