𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙞 𝙮𝙤𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞 -~ 𝙞 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 ~- (𝙁𝙇𝙐𝙁𝙁)

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✧༺May 8 2023, monday

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✧༺May 8 2023, monday. 12:58 PM FLUFF༻✧

requested by @-KASUMI_-







✧༺when you, and isagi first met༻✧

you were only just six, and just moved into the city. your mother thought it would be a good idea to bake cookies. Getting along with the neighbors was her first thing on the list, but you weren't the talkative type. you've always been shy, and had anxiety when around anyone so you never made friends back where you used to live.

"y/n! c'mon lets go greet the neighbors! maybe you can make a friend!" your mother said with a big smile on her face getting excited of just the thought of you making a friend.

your mother held your hand, and stood in front of the neighbors door.

knock knock

"now y/n, how about you give them the cookies? it would be nice for you to communicate once in a while. do it for mama please?" she looked at you with a smile handing you the plate of treats.

the door opens as a woman opens the door with a smile. "hello, may i help you?" "yes hello! i'm m/n (mothers name)! and this is my daughter y/n! we just moved in." your mother said as she shook the woman's hand.

"oh nice to meet you! i'm Iyo yoichi!" she shook your mothers hand back. "who's this adorable young lady?" your heart started to pound a bit from the anxiety. you hid behind your mother, and the treats behind you. "oh that my daughter, y/n! sorry about that..she's a bit shy." "awww that's ok! i also have a child. isagi! come down here please!"

the woman yelled her son down. "coming momma!" a young boy with black short hair, blue eyes, and about your age came running to the door. "sorry i was playing soccer momma!" the boy smiled. he tilted his head noticing your small figure behind your mother.

"isagi this is m/n, and y/n! there next door neighbors." "oh miss yoichi-" "please call me Iyo." Iyo said with a smile.

"oh well Iyo, y/n have something to give you, as a gift for having such wonderful neighbors." you got out from your hiding spot, and pulled out the plate of cookies. "cookies! momma can i have one please!" isagi said happily jumping in excitement. "ok ok, calm down. why don't you two come on in? m/n we could get along , and so can the kids."

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