𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙞 -~ 𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 ~- (𝙇𝙄𝙈𝙀)

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✧༺April 15 2023, tuesday 5:23 PM, LIME༻✧






Chigiri asked you out almost about a year ago, but for the past month he hasn't been giving you the attention he once used to. is he cheating? has he stopped being in love with you? it cause you to overthink about the relationship. he is a professional soccer player, and you understood that, but sometimes he could at least give you some attention. he hardly gave you kisses, cuddles, or any sort of love. you just sat on the couch crying about the problem.

it was late, and once again he got home late at night. "y/n I'm home. damn it's freezing.." he closed the door behind him, slipping his shoes off, and hanging his coat up. "y/n" 

he leaned over the wall checking if you were in the living room, and you were, but asleep. he smiled slightly, but noticed tears stains on your cheeks. he rushed over to you checking on you. "y/n, what happened??" "mm..." you slowly woke up.

"oh, Your home late. food in the microwave heat it up if you get hungry." you turned your back towards him feeling upset for what he's done this past month.

"princess..." he looked down sadly knowing what's been going on between the relationship. he's been so busy with soccer, and it gets him tired. "baby I'm sorry. I know I haven't been giving you attention lately. I've been so busy with soccer, and i know that's not an excuse...please forgive me. i'm sorry.." he said rubbing your back hoping you'll face him.

you turn around, and sit up. "I thought you stopped loving me..." you said as tears began to fall again. he cupped your cheek pulling you to his lap. "hun, no ofc i haven't stopped loving you, and i never will! your the best thing to ever happen to me. i don't even know what i'll do if you weren't in my life. i love you so much, and never forget that. so stop crying because your about to make me cry." he laughed, and so did you. "really? you really mean that?"

he nods with a smile pulling you closer to him, and kisses you. "i promise from now on i'll be home early everyday, give you all the attention you need, and even miss 2 days just for you." "but what if your tired? i don't wanna bother you." "nope, i don't care." he kisses you once again, and both of your lips are in sync. he started to bite on your lower lip wanting dominance, and causing you to moan.

he slips his tongue in not leaving any spot unclear. you both pull away leaving a string of saliva. "you don't know how much i miss this...~" he said in a husky voice as he pins you onto the couch making you gasp at his sudden action."c-chigiri..~" "shhh...baby just relax, and enjoy the moment~ you wanted attention right? I'm giving it to you~" he starts kissing your neck, and then nibbling on it. "mm..~" 

he leaves marks, and bites on it hard. "ha-ahh~" "someone's naughty~" he chuckled into your neck, now moving down to your shoulders.

"b-babe..~" chigiri rubs his hand up your thigh, slowly moving towards your shirt. "shhh..~" he puts his hand under your shirt as he fiddled with your breasts. "oh?~ not wearing a bra?~" his voice became more husky, his eyes full of lust, and his member getting harder. "i..nghh~ i-i wanted to be comfortable..mmm!~" the pleasure of his hands moving your breast, you couldn't help but moan, and feel wetter by the minute.

"hmm.." chigiri suddenly stops and stares at you still pinning you on the couch. "w-why'd you stop?!" he smirks, and picks you up bridal style "because...i wanna be comfortable when we have fun baby~" you couldn't help, but blush, and feel more weak just by what his words say. he walks towards the bedroom shutting the door behind him. you immediately knew........

you wont be able to walk for a couple days-











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