'Ok, it's official. I don't like the candy anymore. During that whole episode: "Imprisonment", I think I just wore out my taste buds to no longer like sweet and sour stuff for now.'
I discreetly wrapped it up in one of the old candy wrappers in my bag and saved it for way later when I have a sweet tooth again. Luckily, it doesn't make a sound.
"The clouds look so soft, don't they? Like you could just jump down, and you'd land in a big, soft, cottony heap?"
"Maybe you should give it a try!"
"You're hilarious."
"I don't suggest it-," I attempted to warn.However, Aang announced that he would try and jumped down. A sigh escaped my lips, and I just turned to the front. I heard something land in a squishy wet mess.
"Turns out clouds are made of water."
My heart had hurt when I saw this behind the screen, but looking at it now... I turned away before my body can even think of leaking liquid out of my eyes. Even when I'm wearing an eye mask, people can still see the wet spots if they look hard enough. My hand combed my bang to cover my already concealed peepers.
"Hey, what is that?"Katara asked moving beside me while Sokka, Aang, and Momo followed suit.
"It's like a scar..."
I hugged my jacket when we landed. Ashes and charcoal crunched underneath my feet as I got off of Appa and stuck by Aang. He looks like he needs a shoulder to lean on again. He glanced into my eyes as if searching for an answer from me.
"Listen. It's so quiet. There's no life anywhere."
"Aang, Jasmine, are you ok?"Before I can speak, Sokka made the discovery himself. Fire Nation was here and created this scar on the Earth.
'Savages... 'I thought clutching my heart,' No, it's only those blind fools that follow Fire Lord Ozai's tyrannical rule and think they will be greatly rewarded by bringing destruction. My dad described fire as an element that brings warmth, protection, and new beginnings. If he were to see this...'
I didn't have the heart to say it out loud when I took one more look at the destruction around us. I rubbed Aang's back as a sign that I'm beside him and there if he needs me.
"Why would anyone do this? How could I let this happen?"
"Aang, you didn't let this happen. It has nothing to do with you," Katara tried to reason."Yes, it does. It's the Avatar's job to protect nature, but I don't know how to do my job."
"That's why we're going to the north pole. To find you a teacher."
"Yeah, a waterbending teacher. But there is no one who can teach me how to be the Avatar. Monk Gyatso said that Avatar Roku would help me."
"The Avatar before you? He died over a hundred years ago. How are you supposed to talk to him?"
"...I don't know."I hugged him while Momo climbed in his lap. I contemplated whether or not to tell him of who I was in the past and, why I really need him to know that he is not alone. But before I can make up my mind, I spoke.
"I know how you feel, Aang. Know that you aren't alone on this despite us been in different situations."
"Really? How?"
"Because before I got here, I was a mafia boss at the age of 13," I whispered so no one could hear, and Aang whispered in the same tone as well."What's a 'mafia boss'?"
"Hmm. Honestly, I don't think you're ready for the full definition of it, but lets call it something in this world you're familiar with... The Ruler of my family's Assassins and Illegal Dealers."
"That's... horrible. There are such people in your world?"
"Unfortunately, yes, and I was born into one of those families that did so. Due to circumstances, I had no choice. After my parents died, I'm was the only one in my family to take over. My mom was strict and expected me to read from the book that gets passed down from generation to generation, but I am a more visual learner...so I learned nothing from it. And when I took over, no one was there to help me learn. I had to learn everything the hard way and on my own. How to sense a traitor. How to put down without batting an eye, which if I can help, I won't do, because I'm not into bloodshed compared to my mom's side of the family. How to avoid wondering eyes... There were so many things. Maybe that's why I'm so close to you..."

Save Time- Book One: Water
FanfictionThere are Avatars each generation in each element. Each has animals and friends to fight along side with, but what of their destined guardian? Their destined companions, the Hantais? They are chosen with the purpose of protecting the Avatar so they...