I am in space between the moon and the sun. No planets, asteroids, meteors, etc. Many Earths and worlds expanding outside the orbits of the balls of minerals. While marveling such an extravagant sight, red and blue blurs formed. The red from the flames of the Sun's flares, and the blue from the moon's light. The blue was the first one to speak in a calm tone.
"You have special gifts that no one can comprehend. All you have to do look inside yourself and tap into it."
"But I've did so. Sure with help, but I'm doing a good job so far."
"Indeed, you have. However, you have abilities that are yet to be discovered in your eyes."
"Ok...so how do I do it? Do I have to go to some kind of stasis or place to find this out?""The place, where the moon will give those that depend on the tides' power and advantage, is where you will seek answers. Until then, practice the song that collides the two opposite elements and meditate with them."
I had more questions, but then I felt shakes and as if the universe is shaking.
I opened my eyes to see everyone looking at me worried.
"What is it?"
"You were talking in your sleep. Something about the sun and moon, and then nothing but incoherent mumbles from there."
"Wow, Sokka. Never heard of you using such big words."
"I regret worrying about you. Goodnight."I snickered at his pout as he turned his body away. Aang and Katara brought my fib and went back to sleep. After making sure everyone is asleep, my mind went to that dream...or is it? At this point, I refuse for moments like that to be chalked up to lack of sleep, sweets, lack of food, and creativity.
'A place where the moon will give those that depend on the tides power and advantage... Waterbenders...isn't that the North Pole? It's the only time that I know the moon will do so. Something about an eclipse.'
I shook my head and was going to go back to sleep until I seen moon about to go under. I snuck away from the group and begun to stretch out my limbs. I always do this before anyone wakes up except when Sokka knows I'm awake and accompanies me sometimes.
'Just like now. I hear footsteps.'
I was on my back stretching my back when I seen the male teenager walking my way.
"Couldn't sleep?"
"After your little mumbles, no."
"Oh, hehe. Sorry, Mohawk. Can you help me stretch my legs?"Sokka nodded as I lifted my left leg in the air. He pushed it towards my upper body. Surprisingly, it stretched so well that my left hamstring isn't acting up when my knee reached my chest.
"Nice to know I'm still flexible. The other one please."
Sokka did the same to my other leg. I got up and sighed as my travelling appendages don't feel all that locked up and mechanical. I slowly did a backflip to pop some parts of my spine.
"You do that to stretch?"
"Well yeah, but you can just bend back if you're not as bendy. I backflip for maximum flexibility so no joints lock up during battle," I casually spoke as I stretched my arms out and twisted my hands to make my wrists pop.Sokka did the same. I had no idea how stiff he was until I heard what sounded like 10 pops in the back. I'm surprised it didn't lock up on him yet.
Time skip-->
"I ain't getting the fruit, can't you see rot spots on them?!"
"How dare you, I swear young people have no respect these days."
"Respect my foot up your-!"
"What my 'lovely' friend here meant to say is that we don't have the money for it anyways, so we'll just go."

Save Time- Book One: Water
FanfictionThere are Avatars each generation in each element. Each has animals and friends to fight along side with, but what of their destined guardian? Their destined companions, the Hantais? They are chosen with the purpose of protecting the Avatar so they...