CH Eight: Commander Cow-I mean Zhao

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We entered the Temple. The architecture is fascinating with the red glows on the walls. Signs of people still taking care of it to this day.

"Wait. I think I heard something."
"I did, too," I mumbled turning around to face the five sages.

"We are the five sages; Guardians of the Temple of the Avatar."
"Great! I am the Avatar!"
"We know..."

The one in the front attacked, and Aang protected us from the flame. I didn't even have to hear what he had to say, because I bolted. Right, Right, Left, Right. Surprisingly enough, Sokka and Katara followed on my toes. Good thing, I left my jacket in Sokka's sleeping bag. Aang had cut us off and shouted to follow him, which I did without a word. That is until I remembered when who was there and did a complete 180. Sorry old man, but it's for the plot.

We followed Aang into a dead end and backed up when one of the sages trailed us.

"I don't want to fight you! I am a friend."

Before Sokka can say anything, I stuffed a peach in his mouth. I saved it just for this occasion and put a hand on Aang's shoulder. I can tell that the male teenager was going to act until the sage bowed leaving him flabbergasted.

"Told you, Sokka. Always good apples in a bunch of bad ones. Keep the peach," I smirked.

"I know why you're here, Avatar."
"You do?"
"Yes. You wish to speak to Avatar Roku. I can take you to him."

The old man lifted the lamp by him and firebended into the hole in the wall. It opened and I walked in and Aang followed suit along with the others. I hope me going early does nothing bad. On the way up, the sage told the history and answered some questions. However, he did comment how I, someone from "The Fire Nation", followed the Aang and my friends. I said that I was in debt to him. He didn't have to know how I got in the frozen ship weeks ago.

All of us got to the door only to see the door shut. Surprise surprise... Everything was going smoothly as expected, but I contemplated whether or not to attempt to help Sokka, Katara, and the sage. The maximum I could take is 4 as far as I know. However, I didn't have time to think it over any further when I had to hide behind the pillar with Aang and the old guy. Time was drawing near. The five bombs exploded, but the door itself didn't open. Aang pulled on it; it didn't budge.

"They're still locked."
"It didn't work."

I was going to comfort him until he was quick to rage and airbended the door.

"Why. Won't. It. Open?!"
"Aang, stop! There's nothing else we can do."
"I'm sorry I put you through all this for nothing."

I frowned and patted his head when I got to him.

"I don't get it! The blasts looked strong as any firebending I've seen."
"Sokka, you're a genius!"
"Wait, how is Sokka a genius? His plan didn't even work."
"Aang, think about what King Bumi said," I suggested pointing to my head.

It took him a while, but his smile widened as he got there. We all wore smirks except Momo and the old man. Poor them. they are still in the dark.

Time skip-->

The fools opened the door and seen the lemur. I stay hidden though.

"It's the Avatar's Lemur. He must've crawled into the pipes. We've been tricked!"

I hid on the side of the second pillar as I noticed a shadow coming up the stairs. I saw Zuko sneak behind Aang and grab him. I jumped to the second pillar unseen.

"Now Aang!"
"Aang, now's your chance!"

When Zuko came out, that's when I struck. I jumped down necked him once again. I know for a fact I'm the most wanted at this point. He yelped and was about to firebend until I chi blocked him and pressure pointed his arm.

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