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         AI AI AI IMYOUR LITTLE BUTTERFLY. Ugh Yun woke up to that annoying ringtone from herBarbie princess charm school fliphone from 2011. She picked up the phone "Hello? Who is it?" A loud voice responded " YUN YOU'RE LATE FOR SCHOOL!! HOWARE YOU GOING TO GET THE SDACTFSK IF YOU DON'T COME?!?!"

 It was gran calling.Sigh Yun turned over and looked at the clock. 8:57 school starts at 9. YUN WASGOING TO BE LATE!! She rushed and grabbed everything as fast as possible. Therewas no time to head to their new dorm now she would have to go after school.

 Thank god MGSS didn't close their gates yet or else Yun would be locked out.She bolted as fast as her feet would let her into the auditorium. Good thingRen had saved a seat for her or else she would have to sit in the back. Yun wasdisheveled from running to the auditorium but she felt a lot better as sheslumped down in their seat. 

"Ahem ahem" it was their vice principal Ms. Flora "Welcome all to Magical Girl Secondary. We are excited to welcome you to yourlast year at MGSS. All seniors will be blah blah blah" Yun was on the edge ofher seat waiting for Ms. Flora to say anything about the SDACTFSK.

 Yun had beenworking towards the SDACTFSK for years. The award could set her up for life andshe NEEDED it. Yuns friend Bagel asked " Heh Yun are you waiting for news aboutSDACTFSK?" Ren said " I heard from Grans fave hairdressers great aunts dentistchauffeurs ex girlfriends half brothers niece who' works as the school janitorthat someone else is tying you for top student!"

 Yun was shocked! She hasn'theard of this?? " What do you mean? I didn't know I was tied?" Gran whispered "Yeah you didn't know because the school doesn't show leaderboards? Duh." Wellwho is this person whats their name tell me everything!

 Yun realized she wasbeing a bit loud and whispered " please man I need to know!!" Ren whisperedback " its this guy named Yamz or something?" Grans whispered " Yeah I snuck onto the math teachers laptop to check. That guys name is Yamz Tempura." Bagelalmost spit out their Magical girl Madoka magica sailor moon pretty princesssuper yummy healing soda( not product placement) " FPSSHHH what kind of name isyamz?"

 Yun rolled her eyes and said "your name is a breakfast item." Bagelsadly drank their Magical girl madoka magica sailor moon pretty princess superyummy healing soda( not product placement). Yun was thinking so hard about thisYamz guy she almost missed the SDACTFSK announcement.

 Ms flora excitedlyexclaimed " I bet a lot of you were waiting for this announcement. This year weare awarding the SDACTFSK to the top scoring student through ALL their years atMGSS!" Yun was deep in thought about the SDACTFSK for the rest of the assemblynot paying a ounce of attention to whatever else Ms. Flora said.

 A bit laterYun was riding back to their house to pick up stuff for their new dorm room.Yun wondered what their new roomie would be like. Her last roommate Nikolai wasthe worst roommate ever the toxicness was way too much for Yun so she haddecided a new one would be better for their mental health.

 As Yun opened thedoor she decided a little break would be nice. She hopped on to their favouritegame hello kitty magical island princess. HKMIP was a great way to relieve alittle stress from all that work for the SDACTFSK .

 A while after Yun startedto play someone joined. Ding a notification from Discord ofc it was theirbestest online friend Sweetpotato. The message said " Yo wassup lets build anuclear research centre in hello kitty magical princess island?" Yun giggledaezthitikly and they started to play.

 Sweetpotato was Yuns best online friend.They met around four ish years ago when the stress from midterms was reaallygetting to her, grans had suggested playing a video game to relax a bit arecommended Hello kitty magical island princess. After a while they met in aserver and became fast friends that's how it was for four years.

 Sweetpotatowas the bestest awesomest cutayeat slayest amazingest person she had ever met( other than Grans( that's me ) ofc). Over the years they had spent playing hello kitty magical island princess together maybe something had been there but they were just friends who like playing hello kitty island adventure together nothing more no matter how much Yun wished ☹️.

 AI AI AI IM YOUR LITTLE BUTTERFLY!! Oop that interrupted their hello kitty island princess gaming with Sweetpotato. Yun typed " gtg talk to u later<3" and answered the call." Yo Yun its bagel we re nearing your house! Wanna go to the café to discuss this years SDACTFSK game-plan with Grans and Ren?"

 Yun responded " Ofc got all my stuff packed and ready." Later at the Barbie island adventure café that was opened by tika( yknow the elephant that looks like miley cyrus?) As bagel and yun walked into the café Grans was mixing jam and butter to make Jutter( super yummy btw) and ren was busy blooshing at their phone. 

Grans whispered " Rens texting her CRUSH yknow the new kid the blonde one?" Ren went even more firetruck mario kart red " SHH Grans not a single word!!" Grans rolled her eyes and said " well I snuck on to the chemistry teachers computer to look at your new rival yamz!"

 Yun was dumbfounded " I have so many questions but first how did you even get in? Classes haven't started yet." Grans sighed and rolled her eyes " Duh I scaled the building and took his computer when he was busy trying not to get killed by some pink haired lawyer!"

 Bagel excitedly whispered " So what did you find??" Grans pulled up a 2012 Mlp limited edition pc out of their purse and opened a file. " So heres a debrief about this guy. Hes the same age, lactose intolerant, likes that detective gang mafia gay people anime, and is super duper smart.

 Grans clicked on another file "heres what he looks like." Yun died a little inside why was her biggest rival for the SDACTFSK so cutay? Bagel looked over knowingly while Grans kept blabbing.

 Yun felt so embarrassed but shrugged it off. She didn't like this guy anyway maybe he was a little cute but who cares? Yun waved goodbye to the rest of them to head to her dorm. Walking up the stairs she regretted not dragging one of them along to help with the boxes. After what felt like ages Yun had finally gotten all the boxes up the stairs. Whew Yun knocked on the door.

 A familiar face opened it...

( notes: just realized some references make zero sense so lemme explain. Mgss = magical girl secondary school. Grans = not a grandmother. SDACTFSK = super duper amazing cool trophy for super smart kids. Sweetpotato = yamz. Pink hair = (will be relevant later) yanfei. Blondie that Ren talks to = albedo( in a different fanfiction also will be relevant)

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