In the rain?

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The air in there was suffocating. Yun was sitting like a ladybug in the corner and Yamz sat down next to her also like a ladybug. Yamz asked " You okay? I saw you run in to the closet looking like you were on fire?" Yun really didn't want to admit what she was embarrassed about. " uh nothing uhm Grans just turned in to a puddibg!" 

Yun realized how stupid that sounded out loud. Yamz raised his eyebrows like the rock in that one video " Yeaah sure that sounds totally believable." Yun frowned " so you do think I'm believable?" Yamz turned toe pink and said " Duh no im being sarcastic!" As Yun glared at him a sound came from outside the door.

 They heard whispers.. a very recognizable voice was talking, a voice that sounded very old... who else could the people talking outside be but Ren, Bagel, and Grans? Yamz was about to say something but Yun clapped a hand over his mouth then promptly turned bagels moms sparkly car red when it registered in her mind what she just did.

 Luckily the janitors closets lighting was absolute garbage so he probably couldn't see her looking like a shumai ( the dim-sum super good you should have) but just outside the door she heard the conversation. Grans asked " where did Yun run to?" Ren responded " lol idk but Yamz followed so yknow." 

The secondhand embarrassment was rising up as fast as her stomach was sinking. Even though she couldn't exactly see Yamz she could still feel the awkward silence paired with the unblinking stare. Bagel interjected " By the way do we need to go yknow where to talk about yknow who stalking you also know who and the dangerous secrets that we cant tell you also know who about yknow who?" 

Ren frustratedly whispered " ugh its really killing me keeping this secret from you also know who about yknow who's yknow what!" Grans nodded so well that you could hear the nod " well lets head off for now I heard that the chuu not from loona anymore café on 42nd has a great deal on Chuuberries!" Ren slayingly asks " but what about finding Yun?" Bagel laughs " No I think she'll be ok with Yamz😜!" 

Yun hears the footsteps get quieter but shes too busy thinking about the severity of the secret her friends are keeping from her. Where is yknow where? Who is yknow who and you also know who? Yamz clearing his throat interrupted her train of thought. Oh yeah they were still trapped in a closet together. Yun quickly pushed open the door causing a mop to fall on her. Oof before she fell over a can of Barbaras bubbletastic brash brave bleach Yamz caught her.

 " oh uh thanks" she said before bolting out the closet door. When she looked back Yun saw Yamz staring quizzically at her. IWOKEUPINANEWBUGATTI ah the bell had rung that meant it was time for class. Too bad she had every single class with Yamz. The rest of her High-school life might be miserable but she still needed the best grades for the SDACTFSK. 

It was her last year the only chance she would ever get. She thought sadly about this while walking to Christmassing 190( basically the most hardcore math ever but Christmas core). She ignored Yamz teasing and stares. Yuns mind really wanted to go off course and think about that encounter with Yamz earlier and the almost kiss a while ago.

 She pushed her way through Chrismassing 190 to the best of her ability without getting too wrapped up in conversation with Yamz. Why was her greatest rival just so easy to talk to? AIAAIAUAIIMYOURLITTLEBUTTERFLY! Ah that was yuns phone and judging by the ringtone it was most definitely a Grans freakout. As Yun picked up the phone Yamz was listening in a close as he could with out making it obvious he was being snoopy ( not like the dog or smthn btw) "Hmm what happened Grans?" " OMG BIG NEWS REMEMBER THE BLONDE CHEM GUY REN WAS TOTALLY NOT INLOVE WITH!??"

 " Yeah what about him and shh im still in class!" " Yeah well he asked her on a DATE to the park!! Come to my house after school bring Yamz too!" " Wait what?" Grans just hung up on Yun. After school. Yun was arguing with Yamz all the way to Grans old lady house. Yun hollered " NO BARBIE PRINCESS CHARM SCHOOL HAD THE GREATEST PLOT TWIST!!" " NO THE PLOT TWIST DOESN'T HOLD UP AS WELL AS TWELVE DANCING PRINCESSES DOES!" " MY ENGLISH ESSAY IS BETTER BECAUSE TWELVE DANCING PRINCESSES TWIST IS CONFUSING!" WELL NOT AS-" a hand covered both of their mouths. " shhh shut up both of you! We have to be quiet."

 Grans dragged them both to kitchen and began to make tea( ofc its hong kong milk tea 🙄) Yun and Yamz stared at each other in total confusion until Grans whispered " Ren is busy having her magical princess moment and after what happened with her nasty poopy ex I wouldn't interrupt if I were you." Grans handed them two cups of hong kong milk tea in traditional hong kong café cups( hello kitty cups that smell sort of grimy ) Yun asked after taking a sip of yummy milk tea " where is bagel anyway?"

 Yamz raised four eyebrows when grans face went pale " uhm uh Bagels justttt checking a little something yknow something that isn't interesting and super unimportant?" Yun was about to question that when Ren walked down the stairs in their pretty pink dress and super cutay pigtails " Im off gramma see you later!" During this interaction Yun and Yamz had gone back to arguing about which barbie movie had the best drip.

 As Ren bolted out the door Grans smacked both of their heads " I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE TENSION BETWEEN YOU TWO THAT IS BEING IGNORED! STOP ARGUING AND AND SPY ON REN FOR ME!" Yun and Yamz sigh at each other and run out to follow them. They sneak carefully behind Ren and albedoodoo. Yuns mind keeps flashing back to every encounter shes had with yamz. After all how couldn't she? The moonlight was shining on him making Yamz look like a moon goddess had re arisen.

 Maybe yun was turning a little pink looking at him. Ok she had to admit to herself not a little pink a lot pink. Good thing he wasn't paying attention to her or else he would have seen the pink hue lighting up her face. She cleared her throat " come on Yamz lets go to that side of the path for a better view. I cant see through the leaves very well." Yamz agreed and together they walked over to a moonlit part of the lilac field nearby Ren and albedooks rendezvous locaish.

 Out of the corner of her eyes she could see Yamz snooping. Who knew he was so invested in the drama? But even though he was being a tiny bit creepy she couldn't tear her eyes away from him. Maybe there was just something about the moonlight and the scent of fresh lilacs being covered in the fresh dewy smell of heavy rain. Wait rain?

 Ugh and in the distance Ren and albedoood had a lil kis kiss. She instantly went "EEW WHAT THE-." When all of a sudden she could only smell the scent of rain as it was no longer beating down her back. Yamz was holding a super cute pompompurin umbrella over her. " We can can share an umbrella just like them." He mumbled looking a little sunburnt.

 Ah that floaty feeling was back in her stomach. As red as a mario kart she blurted " Stop that-!" But as she twists unelegantly her super coquette ribbom gets caught with Yamz tie. " UNTWIST IT OR WE ARE GOING TO SLIP!" Yun says panicked " I CANT ITS REALLY CAUGHT AND IM SOAKED " " WELL TOO DAMN BAD TRY HARDER!" 

They both looked like gingers who went to the beach( bright red) and suddenly Yuns shoelace gets under her shoe making her trip which pulls yamzs face really close just like that other almost kiss time when all of a sudden from behind the bushes Ren came out." HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!??!!??" Ren puts her crocs in sports mode and Yuns heart drops. She freaks put and runs dragging Yamz right along with her. Ren chases them both around the park with albedoobo holding Rens hand. 

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