Got him again

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By the end of the first week, Blanche was greatly disappointed in the students. Their lack of interest was disheartening, to say the least; only a couple of them seemed versed in Defense Against the Dark Arts, but they were the exception to the rule. She didn't understand how they couldn't be interested in such a vital subject, especially the older ones: they had witnessed the Battle of Hogwarts, and if that hadn't been enough to condition them, probably nothing else could. The energy she had poured into preparing the programs wasn't paying off: that bothered her, but she could let it slide; instead, what she couldn't ignore was the frustration that the students' indifference ignited in her.

However, she learned that their attitude wasn't limited to her subject when, on Sunday morning, as they were having breakfast, Sprout informed her that only a couple of students had joined the Herbology project. She was understandably saddened, and Blanche felt genuinely sorry for her, since she knew how much Sprout had taken it to heart.

"I'm really sorry, Pomona. Why don't we try to find a solution together?"

"Like what?"

Blanche reflected for a few moments in silence while conjuring a pancake; she could feel Sprout's eyes on her, patiently waiting for an answer.

After the Battle of Hogwarts, Minerva had heavily rearranged each class' curriculum: from September 1st, 1999, Defense Against the Dark Arts had become a prominent subject, both in credits and workload. She had taken it on herself for the year, trying to adjust its programs, but that kind of position, combined with the Transfiguration chair and the Headmaster role she already held, was too much for one person. Since Snape refused to take over the chair, by the end of May, 1999, she was taking applications to cover it for the following year. After these changes, Blanche was now the holder of a preminent chair in Hogwarts; and, for once, that could work to her advantage.

Moreover, she had quickly gained a reputation for being strict: the students seemed intimidated by her, outright avoiding her whenever possible. That could be useful as well.

"I could encourage them to join by giving them extra credits in Defense Against the Dark Arts. After all, some plants are useful for protection spells," Blanche finally replied, "maybe that kind of positive enforcement could work."

Sprout's face lit up. "Would you do that?"

Her transparency was refreshing, and Blanche was glad to support her enthusiasm. "Sure. I intend to reward effort, even if obtained with a little encouragement".

Sprout giggled. She was excited, and maybe too optimistic, when she added: "We should involve Severus!"

Blanche sighed. She didn't understand how Sprout could link with Snape so serenely, nor her trusting in his cooperation. Moreover, he seemed to be everywhere lately: not one conversation didn't bring him up, for some reason. She understood he had a powerful influence on the staff and Minerva, but his character was all but esteemable. "I don't think he'd cooperate, especially since he already has his own project."

"Well, his is not doing better than mine," Sprout replied quietly.

"That's what happens when you're a genius but behave like a prick," Blanche said before thinking. As soon as she realized she had voiced her first thought, she brought her hand to her mouth. She didn't mean to speak ill of him to any colleague, even if Sprout was slowly becoming her friend: that had been unprofessional of her, and she felt immediately embarrassed by her remark. She was a bit satisfied nonetheless, but she couldn't help but feel a sting of sympathy for him, too.

"He doesn't look the part, but he is zealous. He tries to get some effort out of the students, just like us. Ok, maybe to extort it, but he means well," Sprout replied, amused by her reaction.

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