Hate me more

346 8 15

Following Blanche's last words, Severus' silent frown had slowly transformed into a challenging glare. His eyes, immersed in the soft shadow projected by the candles lighting the room, were so dark that they had assumed a strange, new depth. She could feel them dissecting her to her core, studying her every feature with meticolous, merciless accuracy.

A shiver ran down her spine.

His stiff poise, suddenly clashing with the intense, undecipherable gaze, unsettled her deeply. She didn't dare to ask what his unnerving silence was hiding, but it was getting progressively heavier to bear.

Finally, a glimpse of raw resentment emerged from beneath his cold facade. It differed from his regular, studied expressions and mannerisms: his irritation was apparent and genuine, unusually so. The progressive darkening in his countenance couldn't but catalyze Blanche's attention, who couldn't look away from its strange allure.

She nervously cleared her throat, hoping he'd say something to break the stillness of the scene. The building tension between them was palpable, and she didn't even try to take a step back as he took one forward.

"Severus," she began to say in an attempt to backtrack, but her words were cut off by his lips brusquely colliding with hers. His bittersweet scent, surrounding her along with his arms, stunned her. Severus had grabbed her with such frantic force that it had left her breathless.

His kiss was warm, hungry, and fiercely vibrant with an intensity she would have never guessed could be luring from beneath his stern act. Blanche was astonished by such an impulsive action on his part, but that sudden contact felt so natural that a raging desire for more instantly filled her chest, sending a burning flash of yearning down her legs as she ardently responded to the kiss. Severus' firm grip locked her in his arms as she felt him on her tongue: his aromatic taste was intoxicating, like his familiar scent.

She got lost in the moment, feeling his hands feverishly trace every curve of her body and shivering under a touch so intense, yet so soft, that it shattered her rationality. This foreign sensation animated her with a new desire, so strong that it made her blood boil with lust. Her heart was racing wildly as she fervently raveled her hands in his hair and closed her grasp on its soft, black mass, tugging it and eliciting a soft groan from the depths of his throat. That low, deep sound, so different from his usually stern tone, vibrated through his mouth to hers, making her head spin. Her body responded with greed to his touch, defying any logic and filling her senses with his every feature.

She could feel his hair softly grazing her forehead, the textured, solid structure of his face spasmodically pressed against hers; she could hear the soft rustle of his heavy vest following their feverish movements and his accelerated breath, blending with her own with such distraught desire that it drove her crazy.

"How dare you," he abruptly hissed, pulling away from the kiss without easing his spasmodic grip, "how dare you!"

"Shut up," she whispered in return, tightening the grasp on his hair. His hoarse, deep voice made her wrists tremble when he replied: "You shut up, Less."

Without waiting for a response, uncaring of the piles of books and notes they knocked down in their stride, Severus shoved her on the wooden surface of his desk with feral force, clutching her wrists in a firm grasp to pull her in again for a deeper kiss. She could feel his hips moving between her knees, caressing the lower part of her tighs, and that excited her so much that she couldn't help but moan. That feeble sound seemed to make something in Severus snap.

Severus shoved her on its wooden surface with passional, feral force, clutching her wrists in a harsh grasp to pull her in for a deeper kiss. She felt his teeth biting her lower lip and the feeling made her wheeze, just as he let her go.

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