Double trouble

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"What's up with Double Trouble over there?" Amanda asked, peeking at a very, very enraged Snape storming out of the Hall.

"Bat & Batshit squabbling again," replied Eleanor, completely unfazed, "what's new? They've been at it since September. Get a room, you know?" She rolled her eyes before adding: "So many red flags they look like a Communist parade."

Amanda chuckled, amused. "Real talk. Now tell me, how did it go?"

Eleanor grinned recalling Less' enraged face in front of Nathan's, and proceeded to briefly recount the episode to Amanda. "And he ran away," she concluded, clapping her hands, "I wish you were there, it was a masterpiece of a prank!" she squeaked enthusiastically. Amanda was in tears. "Hit me baby one more time? REALLY?"

They were laughing hysterically by the time another third-year Ravenclaw boy sat next to Eleanor, looking at both of them with a perplexed stare. "I want to laugh too. What's going on, El?"
Trying to recompose herself, she took three or four deep breaths before saying in a shaky, amused voice: "Hey, Dan! I'm just joking a bit with Amanda."

Amanda smiled at him as he reached out for an unusually firm handshake; he looked friendly enough with his warm, brown eyes and a few freckles on the nose. She immediately liked him: his handshake delivered a well-mannered self-confidence which she appreciated. "Amanda Knight, nice to meet you," she said politely.
"I'm Daniel Canmore, nice to meet you, Amanda. Why are you two up so early?"
"I'm always up early, Dan," replied Eleanor.
"That's because you don't sleep at all, Morton."

Amanda was surprised, as she had never noticed Eleanor's insomniac tendencies. El quickly explained: "We met while taking a night stroll. Snape almost caught us!"
"If it weren't for me, he would have caught you, El," he giggled, conjuring some pancakes. Eleanor pouted, giving him a friendly nudge on the shoulder. "Lies!"
Dan rolled his eyes, pouring some maple syrup on his breakfast. "As if." He then looked at Amanda, blatantly curious. "How do you know each other, by the way?"

"She's the owl poisoner!" Eleanor said, winking and squeezing Amanda's hand. "A match made in heaven, you two, aren't you?" He said ironically, letting out a little giggle. "I guess," Amanda answered, flashing a mischievous smile, "but are you innocent?"
"I'm a model student," he replied with a smirk.

"A model? More like a menace," remarked Eleanor gulping her morning juice, and then added: "you know, to the public peace." She turned to Amanda. "Last year, he sent coordinated Howlers to at least 20 random students. That morning was chaotic, to say the least."
"Now I understand why you're friends," Amanda laughed. He looked so innocent that she wouldn't have believed it for a second if it wasn't for the face he made. "Snitch. There is no proof that was me."
"That sounds like something someone with a guilty conscience would say," she replied without missing a beat, "there is no proof!" she said, imitating his mannerisms. "Prove it then," he said with a serious face, making Eleanor frown a bit. After a second, he followed up with: "Oh, wait, what's that? You can't? Yeah, that's what I thought."

He was friendly mocking Eleanor now, smiling in Amanda's direction.

"Do you want to do something today?"

"What about Hogsmeade?"

Amanda nodded enthusiastically. "Sure!"

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