Not funny

192 8 11

"Eric! Nathan! What's up?"

Eleanor was proceeding with long strides down the corridor toward two Slytherin third-years, with a big smile on her face. Eric Williams, a tall, slim guy, beamed back, lifting his hand to high-five her. "Hey, El," greeted Nathan Turner, a red-headed boy with puffy green eyes.

"How are y'all?" she asked winking. "Good, just chilling before class, I guess," Eric said, crossing his arms for the two of them. "Great. What's new?"

"Nothing much, to be honest. Oh, wait! Well, since we know that the two Satans have clashed, we are kind of arranging something."

Eleanor shivered, thinking of the time they eavesdropped on Snape's door to hear some kind of commotion and Less stormed out, screaming at them and pushing them out of the way. Yikes. She hoped that Less forgot about that.

You three just dug your own grave.

"We're seeing Satan number two today. I hope she's just forgotten about that episode," intervened Nathan, saying out loud what El was thinking. She nodded, biting her lip. She was a bit tense, but not enough to stop causing trouble.

She tried not to laugh when Amanda bumped into them from behind. "I'm sorry!" she began apologizing with overly theatrical little bows. Nathan and Eric scanned her from head to toe, looking quite annoyed by her presence. "It's ok, now leave us alone." Eric used a neutral voice, but an ill-veiled spite filtered through it.

"Bye Knight," El said smirking. Nathan misperceived her attitude, interpreting it as a taunt countenance, and let out a little complacent giggle. "You know her?"

"Nah, she's just from my dormitory."
"Good. She ain't one of us for sure," replied Eric, satisfied with her answer. Eleanor tilted her head. "What do you mean?"
"That's a Mudblood," spat Nathan, frowning, "Of course she's an idiot. She doesn't even look where she's going," he said, raising his voice enough for Amanda to hear him while jogging away.
"And what is she? Indian or something, on top of being a Mudblood?"
"I don't know. Whatever, she's weird."

Eleanor tried not to look unamused and let out a forced giggle, adjusting the pin she put in her hair that morning.

They have it coming.

The group chatted for a bit while walking to class, joking as usual. They had Divination in the first period, a subject they all hated with a passion. "Trelawney is full of shit."
"You are full of shit." Eleanor gave Nathan a friendly push.
"Come on, she makes up random things as she goes until something sticks!"

Honestly, the Divination class was pure torture. Eleanor wasn't versed in the subject, not one bit, and it didn't interest her at all; the classroom was nice, but it was the only pleasant thing about it. Trelawney gave her an icky sensation. She had the awful habit of invading her personal space, as her poor eyesight apparently didn't allow her to calculate distances correctly. Overall, Eleanor found her to be extremely cringy, and so did her so-called friends. They had bonded over their dislike for the subject and somehow, since then, they had stuck together. Eleanor had lots of friends, but these two were undoubtedly the closest. Well... until now.

The class, after what seemed like an eternity, finally came to an end. Eleanor was drained, and it was only 10 am; at least, she had something to look forward to, but it didn't help her as much as she thought it would. With Amanda, she took a leap of faith, and it seemed to be paying off well. Something was intriguing about that girl.

Now, all she had to do was wait for the right circumstances to pull her stunt; it arrived from above in the next period, in Less' class, to be precise.

Less looked like she had experienced a bad week all within the last hour. She was introducing countercurses, leaving the last part of the lesson to correct the students' practice. She was walking from one side of the class to the other, back and forth, with a volume in her hands.
Overall, it was an interesting lesson; but Nathan didn't seem to think so. He was smirking, writing something down. It wasn't notes, that's for sure.

Eleanor saw Less glancing towards him a couple of times, but she didn't alert him, she just watched.

Concluding her explanation, the professor stood still for a second. Suddenly, she was in front of their desk. It had taken her two strides total to cover the distance between the teacher's desk and their location. All the students were still seated, looking at the scene with morbid curiosity. Less was towering over them, scrutinizing them from above, not saying a word. Eleanor could tell that Nathan was terrorized when she felt him shifting his weight on the seat, trying to hide what was on his desk.
Her heart skipped a beat when Less' volume was violently slammed on the table, making it tremble. The abrupt vibrations left her speechless, scaring her, but her mind saw an opportunity. She discreetly flicked her wand under the table.

Less was leaning forward, looking at Nathan dead in the eye for what seemed like an eternity, when suddenly a ridiculous voice started to yell:


It came from his pocket. He got purple in an instant, while the students started murmuring. Giggles ensued in the crowd; a couple of voices were already trying not to laugh too loud when a girl let out a hysterical howl that unleashed general hilarity.

Less looked mortally serious. Could anything shake that woman?

Eleanor noticed her hand contracting on the edge of the desk, next to the book that, as she saw, had smashed Nathan's quill, spilling ink everywhere. A ghostly creak ensued from the wooden table as if an unknown force was straining it. Suddenly, the wood unexpectedly chipped, scaring Eleanor. Nathan winced.

Less put the other hand on the book, leaning forward. She was terrifying: her demeanor was strangely threatening for being a response to an innocent prank.

"Out," she murmured, "Now."

They didn't need to be told twice. Eleanor and Nathan jumped away, speeding out the door, leaving her there. They were at least five meters from the classroom, when Nathan, out of breath, asked: "What the fuck?"
Eleanor didn't reply, she just shook her head. He didn't get that she was the one behind the whole scene, too distracted by Less' reaction, and that guaranteed more pranks. She was satisfied. At least, now she knew that the crystals worked. After a couple of seconds, she giggled. "That was hilarious, though."
"Not funny, El." Nathan scoffed. 

Eric reached them, huffing. "What the fuck?"

Eleanor shrugged innocently. She couldn't wait to tell Amanda about the whole incident.
"Let's go, Satan number one is waiting for us in Potions," she said, "the last one to arrive is a stinky Goblin!"

She sped away, soon followed by the two boys. 

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