Stop projecting

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"So, what were we saying about Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors behaving?" Blanche said, taking her place at her dinner table. Pomona and Minerva looked at her with questioning looks. "Well, two third-year students brewed a failed Amortentia and now an owl won't leave my window alone, apparently."

"I have several questions", said Minerva after processing what Blanche had just said, "I don't even know where to begin, dear!" she brought her hand to her chest, looking both scandalized and amused.

"I told them to go find Snape." Blanche giggled. Sprout couldn't help but laugh, and Minerva soon joined them.

They tried to regain their composure as they saw Snape approaching the table, with all but an amused look on his face. He was dragging a terrified Knight and a sulky Clover towards them, with great amusement of the students, and Blanche didn't envy them one bit. He stopped right in front of them. He was livid.

"I require a private meeting in your office, Headmistress. There is an inconvenience." He spat, glancing at the two students. Minerva tilted her head. "I guess it'll be necessary, Severus. Everyone involved shall meet in my office at 9 pm." She replied calmly, hiding well her amusement. Snape roughly let go of Knight and Clover's robes, who promptly fled the scene.

Snape remained still. "Why would you involve me?" he asked snappily. He was looking straight at Blanche, and if looks could kill, she knew she'd now be a pile of ashes. She felt a tingling sensation in her chest, and hesitated a second too much before replying: "It's your competence, Snape."

"Your window is nothing that could, nor should, concern me. You should be able to deal with the students' nonsense on your own, Less." He replied dryly, and without waiting for a response, he strutted away.

Minerva cleared her throat. "Well, anyways..."

Blanche was taken aback by his reaction. His words stung way more than she thought they would.

Flitwick glanced in her direction from the other side of the table while talking with a very serious Snape, and she could tell that he, also, was quite entertained. Blanche disguised her annoyance by looking at her plate.

We have nothing in common. Nothing.

She felt naive for even thinking that.

After dinner, she headed out. She needed some air before the meeting, and she did have about half an hour.

Before she could exit, she felt a presence she learned to recognize behind her back.

She turned towards him. Snape didn't say a word, but he pointed at the door; he was dimly illuminated by the lit candles, that accentuated his black clothing. She headed out, hearing his steps behind her.

The courtyard was immersed in the dark, and when the door closed, the only light came from the moon.

Crescent moon.

After a few moments of silence, she said: "What, Snape?"

She would have liked to be alone, at that very moment, but she wasn't annoyed by his presence. Well, that was new.

He took a couple of steps forward, reaching her. He locked his eyes with hers, as he muttered: "Don't consider me a tool to be used to solve your futile problems, Less."

Blanche raised her eyebrows. "I don't. You are one of my problems, if anything. The students' experiments are the least of my concerns." she replied. Her answer wasn't careful, she responded impulsively.

"How would I be a concern of yours?" he asked snappily, crossing his arms with a contemptuous expression.

Blanche decided to be brutally honest.

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