Chapter 3

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[DISPATCH NEWS: The KimWan couple was spotted outside the building of Kim's Industry, the op said Y/n Gwan and the Queen Jennie Kim was seen shared a sweet kisses to each other before they parted away]


I can't help but tossed my iPad to Y/n who's now seating in front of me "Stop playing with them, your lucky they didn't include the picture of you two kissing" Seulgi said "Those picture...they can use it to blackmail us one day" I added and sigh deeply "I'm going to adjust your schedule for flying in Paris" Of course Y/n was shocked to know my news "W–what? Why so sudden?" She asked and I hate to admit it but decide to tell the truth to her "To cool down the news of you with the Queen, it may be a good image to the royal family but to us it wasn't" I said "Your co-artists, co-stars in this entertainment was having a hard time to stole the spotlight but they're being ignore because of you two" I added because I sense some of my artist can get flop immediately because there's no room for them to shine.

Y/n stand up without releasing a deep sigh "Make it the next day, I need to pack my things and told to Jennie about it" I nodded to her request after that she left the office. The royal family is crazy to accept the a fate just like this, they quickly agreed to the government to hide something again putting the Jennie Kim and the Y/n Gwan in the picture. And I hate it but no one can stop them, it become a part of every industry. "What are you thinking?" Seulgi asked she knows me well, we're both being married for 10 years, the year of is being girlfriends doesn't count on it "You know we can't go against them, we're gonna lose everything" Seulgi was right we can't go against them but not all the time, especially that Jennie Kim girl she's the most powerful of all the royal family, the girl that Y/n was claiming hers now.

"Bear, do you think Y/n will be okay?" I asked my wife holding our hands together "She's strong, she will be fine" She answer and kisses my knuckles.



I'm so happy today because of Y/n actions earlier and now just seeing the news of us made my heart feel giddy but my phone rings it showed Y/n's contact number "Hi, darling" her voice is so smooth "Hi! What's made you call?" I asked while smiling "You don't mind if I come over to your place later right?" She asked since I wasn't able to stay to her place today because of my schedule "Yes no problem about that but are you going to stay for the night?" I asked and then I heard a squeal from the other line that hit my mind "she's on the speaker and there's people around her" "Sorry about the noise darling, I'm currently in the shoot and can't put my phone on my ear so decided to put our call in speaker" I can't help but smile even more "It's okay but I need your answer to my question" She chuckles to my words "For you" "Alright, see you later" and that's the end of our call.

I heard a knocks on my door that makes me calm myself and shows my usual business face "Come in" I spoke and pretend that i'm reading a report "Yow! Yow! Yow! It's Jisoo in the Kim! Kim Jisoo~" my head quickly turned to the person who's loud and it's my older sister Kim Jisoo "Ah! So noisy! Why are you here?" my gosh I thought someone who's really into a business will come to meet me but it's turned out her "Yah! You just got engaged to Y/n/n, you still haven't change your attitude towards me" I really can't believe how Y/n and her are friends despite of their opposite behavior, my sister is loud and she's the super social butterfly in our family while Y/n was a chillax and go with the flow person. I let my sister seat at the couch where some of my guests sits "I came for business" she said and I just crossed my arms then looked at her "I need to get Park Rosé information" she added that's make me laugh at her "Kim industry doesn't handle the Park Rosé, Joohyun Industry handle her very well" I told to my sister but she didn't give a damn about it, she's giving me a looked that I forgot to add about my sister and that is she's also one of the crazy child of the Kim's "Can't do business tonight, sorry" I said and smirked at her "But why?!" she's now pouting the Kim Jisoo is pouting because she didn't get what she want "My wife going to  spend the night at my place plus the Ruby Jane industry is closed for the meantime" I said and winked at her before kicking her out "But why?! Again" She's a hard headed ugh! "I don't want a bloody scene at my weeding idiot!" I shouted and she's finally gone.

"Why would I bother busy my night later to someone who's not even my fiancee, who's going to spend her night at my place" I mumble "Plus, it's her first time going to sleep at my place" I added.

"Jisoo unnie and her desire, tsk".




Y/n was welcome by everyone inside the palace which she response to them as she bows to and greeting them so of them was already familiar to Y/n not because she's the Queen guest nor the Queen fiancee the reason is Y/n was used to stay here for their family vacation with the Kim's after staying for a week they're going to camping, beach, hiking, etc. that both of Kim's and Gwan's planned for them and that was when she's in highschool now she's a grown up woman. In the other hand, Jennie was busy looking to the mirror to  see if she's already looking like a snack for Y/n after all she's wearing a black night gown that perfectly suit for her. A knocked was heard from her door "Your Majesty, Ms. Y/n is here" the servant said outside the door and Jennie smile to her the news "Let her come in" she said and after a minute Y/n knocked and open the door "What? Come in" Jennie can tell Y/n was too stunned to see her since the actress is kinda glued to her place "Ahem, sorry about that" Y/n apologize and once she finally come inside the Queen room the closed the door.

"W-why a-are we he-here?" Y/n can't help but stutters to her words, can't blame her for Y/n's pov Jennie was so hot too hot for her and she didn't want to be a scum bag who's going to attacked her fiancee a kiss because she's hot.


[ A/n: Hi, I hope you guys are okay right now and taking care of yourself :) let's not forget to put a smile on our face! <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠> ]

MY QUEEN (MQ) | JENNIE KIM x FEMALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now