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It's been two weeks since Y/n came home from her photoshoot in Paris with Lisa and these past few weeks Y/n just like to stay at home. She even preferred to had an online meetings than attending them personally, and I feel there's something wrong about it but in the same time it makes me felt so happy. I got more time spending my days with her without those annoying paparazzi following us around every time we go out. I looked at our bedroom wall clock and it's already 7 AM, meaning it's time to prepare a breakfast for us.

She's still asleep huh” smirked.

[ 7:20 AM ]

I was busy making a avocado's toast for us when I felt a paired of arms sneak to my tummy and a sniff from my right neck "You smell so great" she whispered and I can't help but smile "I'm afraid I want you as my breakfast right now". I turned around and rest my arms to her neck "Our men was around and I don't like them to see us making love here in our kitchen" I said but Y/n is so naughty she kiss me like she's hungry and I can't help but push her more closer while her hands starting roaming around my body.


Our supposed to be morning love was interrupted when someone was calling only to find out my caller is Lisa and I bet Jennie saw it "Sorry it's lisa" I kissed her forehead and walked away lottle far from her. "You better have a good reason to call me right now, Lisa" I said as soon I accepted the call "Oh, it's really a good reason—in fact this is important, that I want to tell it to you personally” her tone is so serious with a mixed of excitement "I can't leave the house, I want to be free from those paparazzi" I said "Let them duh" this girl is literally will be the cause of my death "Let's just talk about it when we both have a same schedule for the brand " I replied "Fine with me but don't regret it later" she said and after that we end up the call.

"Didn't I told to you to stop contacting her? Don't you remember she's one of the reason why we fought before? How long do you still have contact with her?" I didn't know how her mood quickly change, earlier she's sweet and now I'm facing the daughter of the devil. I can see that she's mad and disappointed at me but the way she throws her words to me it's sounds calm—like a kid who got a lollipop stolen from her. And this is not good to tease her because she'll ignore me until the wedding day. "Her number and my number is only our business number so it's basically not her personal number, also She just asked to meet her today due to important things but we decided to moved it and just talk about it when we both have a same schedule for the brand and I'm sorry" I'm trying to calm her by caressing her cheeks "We're getting married closely there's no need to doubt about it—me" I added and kissed her temple before giving her a hug that seconds later she give it back.

[ 4:00 PM ]

"We need to go to the Palace within hour" I was just watching action movie when Jennie throw a letter to me and she just walked to upstairs because she's still mad at me so I decided to read the letter and yup...It's seems serious that they didn't give any reason. So I have no choice but to turn off the TV and follow my soon to be wife to our bedroom to prepare my outfit but I can't help to wonder, "What they want this time". Inside the bedroom I already saw my clothes placed in the bed "This is what i'm going to wear, hon?" I asked and looked for her only to saw her in the bathroom relaxing in the bathtub "Aren't we going to be late..?" I asked but she just ignored my last question "Those clothes on bed is yours and that's what are you going to wear" she answered. I sigh and left to go to the shower room to take a half bath "You're not allowed to take a bath while i'm still inside" she said makes me turned off the shower and grab my towel "Then i'll take shower somewhere else" I said and leave her.

“She's becoming too much and I can't help but annoyed by it”.


Y/n really left their home and blocked Jennie's number even her social media accounts and Jennie thought her fiancee is with the model she's mad but upon contacting Lisa and sending men to her place, Y/n isn't there and Losa don't have any ideas where's Y/n whereabouts now. And when it's time to go to the Palace, the soon to be Queen was not in the mood she even gaves clod stares and glances everyone even when she arrives to the Palace making everyone knows their Queen is mad. "Where's mom and dad?" Jennie asked their servants as she takes a seat in their living room "Her majesty, the Queen and King was inside the dining room with Ms. Y/n" hearing her fiancee name and knowing she arrived early than her, Jennie can't help but smirked and sigh in disappointment.

"Hon, didn't I told to you wait for me?" Jennie asked as soon she stepped inside the dining room and there she saw Y/n with her parents but Y/n is obviously avoiding her, she didn't even spare a glance to her fiancee "Jennie, I heard from Y/n that you two are not good now?" Jennie's mom asked with her worried tone and Jennie hates it. She hate how Y/n acting right now, she hate Y/n wearing different clothes making them not wearing a same match clothes. "Y/n is staying here tonight until she's done to the tasks I gave to her" the King spoke "But she's my wi—" before the soon to be Queen finish her words her father already cut it.

"Fiance my child, take a seat and I will tell the reason why I called here both of you" the king said and Jennie obviously take a seat in front of Y/n not besides her "We're moving the weeding in the next 2 weeks, I heard from other clan that they want to steal Y/n since she's hasn't been tied to our clan" Jennie was happy to heard it but of course she's mad upon hearing that other clans want her fiancee "I thought that just a rumors? I even heard the Bae clan will also get married to someone" Y/n spoke "And that someone is YOU" the Queen added.

"You're such a royal family magnet, aren't you" Jennie said with annoyed tone clearly she's MAD now.

[A/N: I hope everyone is doing okay, stay hydrated everyone and drinks a lot of water!

I'm so sorry if it's takes me a months to update, I was so busy in my real life especially I'm graduating students now :<

Stay safe and I love you all! Thank you fo being understanding and staying here with me until now, a.k.a still reading my stories. Let's hope I have nore free time to continuously update! ᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠:⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠∧⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠:⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ ]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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