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Author pov
Okay guys last few chapters. A plot twist is waiting ahead. Any guesses who the girl was? Who is creating misunderstanding between cris and Rahul. You must be eager my readers.
So why waiting? Start reading

Guys I have changed my writing format as people didn't like it


Rahul couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in his chest. The photo Dee had shown him was perplexing. He needed to talk to Cris, to explain, to uncover the truth. With resolve, he decided to head to Cris's house, hoping to find her willing to listen.

As the evening deepened, Cris's phone buzzed again. It was a message from Rahul: "Cris, can we talk? I need to explain everything."

She read the message, her heart racing once more. Her mixed emotions battled inside her. On one hand, she longed for clarity and resolution; on the other, fear held her back. I wasn't ready to hear anything. It's being so long she  avoided Rahul

Cris hesitated for a moment but she wanted the answer somehow then replied, "Okay, Rahul. Come over."

Minutes later, Rahul stood at Cris's doorstep. He took a deep breath to steady his nerves before ringing the doorbell. The door opened, revealing Cris, her expression a complex mixture of curiosity, confusion, and anxiety.

"Cris, thank you for seeing me," Rahul began, his voice gentle yet earnest. "I need to talk to you about that photo and clear up any misunderstandings."

Cris hesitated as it was first time Rahul came to her house nodded, inviting him inside. They settled in the living room, where a heavy silence hung between them for a moment.

Rahul took out his phone and showed Cris the photo, explaining the context of that day in Pelvin Park. "This was taken right after the incident.  She fainted and fall on me .  My friends were also there who helped me for the surprise.  They thought she was you. I swear there's nothing more than that."

Cris looked at the photo and listened intently to Rahul's explanation. She began to see the pieces falling into place. "So, there's no romantic involvement between you and this girl?"

"Absolutely not. I don't even know her. it was just an accident" Rahul assured her, his voice filled with sincerity.

A sense of relief washed over Cris as she processed this new information. Her heart, which had been heavy with doubt, began to feel lighter. She finally asked, "But what about your proposal earlier ? Was that genuine?"

Rahul took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering. "Yes, Cris, that was genuine. I've been feeling this way for a long time, and I wanted to be honest with you. But I also understand if you need time to think about it."

Cris considered his words carefully. Her initial shock had given way to understanding, and she felt a warmth growing inside her. "Rahul, I appreciate your honesty, and I'm grateful for our friendship. Let's take this one step at a time."

Rahul smiled, his relief evident. "Thank you, Cris. I promise to be patient, and I won't let any misunderstandings come between us again."

As the evening wore on, Rahul and Cris talked, clearing the air and mending their bond. The weight of uncertainty had been lifted, and they could now face whatever the future held for them with newfound clarity.

In the days that followed, Cris and Rahul's relationship blossomed. They navigated the twists and turns of college life, supported by their deepening connection. And as for the mysterious photo, it remained a reminder of the importance of communication and trust in their journey together.

Life had its uncertainties, but for Cris and Rahul, facing those uncertainties together made all the difference.


Its being so long i had no inspiration. My 12th boards are just few months ahead i stressed i have my mid term exams. I got some motivation. So now i can continue written again. Don't forget to like the story

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