Chapter One - The First Death

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I stared. My heart broke at the sight. I dropped the empty basket I held as I stared. My eyes wide. I stared. And stared. My brother, my sister, my mother, my family laid here. In their own blood. My hands shook. My body froze but my mind ran a mile a minute. I heard shuffling and my head whipped around. My hand searching through my kimono to find my dagger. I was from a middle class family. We ran a simple herb and medical shop. My father had been a doctor. I learned everything from him. Though sadly a mysterious illness took his life when I was thirteen. My brother had been only ten. And he to was ill. My sister was seven. To young to work. My mother did not know about herbs and doctors. So it left me to be the doctor. To take over the family business.

So I did. I had left. Just to get some herbs for my storage. I had just dropped everything off and was bringing the basket back so I can get some laundry and go do it. But the sight I came across broke my heart. But then shock filled me. For standing there right in front of me. Was one of my many patients. Muzan Kibutsuji. His family sought me out. After all I was one of the best doctors in Japan. Muzan had many doctors. And a few days ago I got a notice. A letter from his family that my assistance was no longer needed for one of his other doctors. A male. Had found a cure for him. So. I took my payment and continued my work. Sending a simple letter saying that I was happy for them. And wishing them a good year.

One thing I knew was that Muzan gave me bad vibes. He was... violent. Extremely so. He would lash out at all his doctors. I wouldn't stand it. So when he lashed out at me for doing my job, I lashed right back at him. Shocking him. I ended up becoming his favorite doctor due to this. I was a lot more gentle as he said. He would also say that despite how callused my hands where from working they where also soft. He showered me in compliments and words of kindness. His father and mother found it reliving. His other doctors preferred it when I was with them when they treated him. Honestly it didn't surprise me. My father had always told me I had a calming aura to me. Which I had not believed until one night when I came across an injured wolf. It was starving and to my surprise. It was calm. It didn't lash out. Not once as I treated it. My father had watched the whole time.

I stared at Muzan. As he insisted I call him. I had an argument with him over that. In the end I agreed to call him his name if he called me by mine. Which was Suki. He called me Doctor anyways. I stood here. Frozen. Tears now running, streaming, down my face as I stared at the man who tried to court me so many times. I had rejected him every single time. "Hello love." I froze up.
"What did you do?" I now held my dagger in my hand. It was still hidden within my kimono.
"You told me you couldn't be mine due to your family." His hand gestured around us. "That is no longer a problem." He took a step forward. I took one back.
"That's not what I meant." Not what I wanted. He was so unbothered. Unaffected with what he did. It made me sick
"They were in the way. So I removed them." The grip I had on my dagger tightened. Father told me to carry one for my own safety. I'm starting to see why.
"Why would you do that..." My voice sounded hurt. Broken. I could feel the tears streaming down my face. Then. There was a flash. I went stiff as I felt a hands on my cheeks. Soft hands. With no evidence of work, and so very, very, cold, brushed away my tears.
"Those humans don't deserve your tears love." What? I stared at him. Frozen, shocked beyond belief. How could... how could he?
"What?" My voice cracked. Muzan was taller then me. About a head taller then me. His left hand dropped to my shoulder as his right one pulled my head up to look him in the eyes.
"Have I ever told you how beautiful your red eyes are." I stared at him. His once purple eyes now crimson blood red. Not like the sun like red mine where. But deep blood red.
"Once or twice." I stated. Still shocked and frozen. Then. Realization hit me.

This was not my patient. Not anymore. Not my friend. Not anymore. For some reason. Some how I knew my dagger wouldn't effect him. So. With as much strength as I could muster I pushed him. To my shock. He stumbled back. I turned and ran. By the gods I ran. As I did so I prayed. I begged for help. I'm not sure how long it took but now Muzan was running after me. I was already at the edge of a cliff. I whipped around. Pulling out my dagger. The beautiful dragon carved dagger that my father had gifted me. Muzan stopped a few feet in front of me. The wind from his sudden stop blew at my face. Pulling my hair out of its ponytail. My reddish black hair flew around me. I had no idea what to do. My heart was pounding. I took a step back. Only to almost lose my balance. I glanced back only to see I was on the edge of the cliff, the same one I had watched the sun set at before dad died. I looked straight ahead. At Muzan. His face had never once moved from stoic. Granted he did have a small smirk on his face when he was holding my face. I glared. My grip tightening on my dagger. Muzan stared at me. Something I couldn't place flashing in his eyes as he stared. It took me a few minutes to realize just what. It was greed and lust. At that same moment I realized just what he was now. He was a demon.

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