Chapter Six - Entertainment District

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I glared at the man. He was crazy and a pain in the ass. So. To humor him I asked him a question. Then Inoske started talking. I had to hold him back. I took off soon after. Catching up to him within seconds. That caught him off guard.

Soon after I sat in a carriage. Despite Uzui's orders the other two jumped out. I smirked and went after Inoske. Poor Uzui was going to have his hands full. After a while we sat down. I watched as he and Zenitsu argued. He got punched. Then Inoske spoke up. Saying something stupid. He to got punched. I instantly took over my own makeup. In the end I made myself look the way I should if I'm going to be doing this. I pulled on a new kimono. Pulled up my hair and reddened my lips. I also covered my scars with concealer. I hide both my dagger and sword in my kimono. Along with my mask.

I was the first one to get sold

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I was the first one to get sold. I stood across the Orion. We where talking about the every woman I was looking for. So. I lied. It was a pain to duo. Not long after I was again practicing my dancing as asked to. I danced and danced and danced. Then the owner walked up to me. "Tsukiko. Dear. You should take a break." So I did. I stoped. Turning I looked to the madam.
"I'm alright." She smiled.
"I see. Your not even out of breath." She stopped. Looking at me curiously. "That dance you do. What do you call it."
"Which one."
"You do more then one?"
"I do. There a total of five." I continued to speak to the madam.

Muzan sat. Waiting for Danki. He spoke to her. Telling her little white lies. But he did remind her that only one person was more beautiful. "Danki. If you see a girl with red hair and eyes. Ask her for her name. If she says Tsukiko. Please. Capture her alive. She will be difficult to capture. But please do." She agreed to it. Instantly.

I sat on the roof. Talking with Inoske. My eyes flashed seconds before Uzui landed. Inoske sat with me. I glared at him. "Uzui. We made a commitment. We plan on keeping it." He looked at me. Then. He left. Inoske and I continued to talk. Me telling him my reasoning for us waiting. I slightly scolded him. I felt my katana pressing against my skin.

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