♡ Feelings and Popcorn ♡

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Monday had been electric. I never thought a coffee date would be so, wonderful. I'd never previously dated anyone. I won't lie, Ryan was not my first kiss, but he was the first guy I'd ever actually have feelings for. Ryan and I bpth agreed it was too quick to jump into any sort of romantic relationship, and so far we had just decided to be 'friends with benefits'.

That didn't mean Ryan and I stopped seeing each other, we just kept it lowkey, not too serious. I guess you could say we were 'on the go' with each other. I don't know if Ryan had told anyone about the kiss, but I certainly hadn't. When Ryan dropped me back at my apartment yesterday, Frank had asked the usual overprotective questions but I told him it was okay. Frank went back to our room and Ryan managed to sneak a quick goodbye kiss.

Today (Friday), Gerard, Ray and Mikey were coming over for a movie night, and I asked them if Ryan could come. Frank was hesitant, but the boys were cool with it. "Frank, what's up with you lately?" I confronted him at about 5pm, before the boys had arrived. "What do you mean?" Frank wondered, acting dumb. "You know. Ever since I met Ryan you've been acting funny. Like Ryan and I are criminally offensive or something." I explained. Frank shook his head, and lucky for him the doorbell rung and he rushed off to answer it.

It was Ray, who I went up to say hi and give him a hug, his floofy hair getting all in my face. "Hey Ray. How's it been? How's Christa going?" I asked, Christa being the girl Ray was dating. "Yeah she's great thanks. It's actuslly nearly our 3 month anniversary." Ray happily informed me. "Wow! That's great for you Ray." I took him to the couch, then went back to the kitchen to grab some snacks.

Frank came in and asked me to call Gerard to ask him to pick up some pizzas on his way over. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Why can't you?" I complained. "Because. You just do it please." Frank basically pleaded. "Fine. But you cannot say anything about Ryan." I told him. Frank grunted but said nothing.

I picked up my phone and called Gerard. He didn't pick up so I tried again.

{ on call }

"Hey Gee."

"Hey Syl, we're nearly there don't worry."

"Great, um, Frank asks if you and Mikey could pick up some pizzas on your way over?"

"No stress, we're fairly close to a pizza shop. NO MIKEY go right dumbass!"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine. Mikey's just getting a bit more driving practice in. He's on his Ps now you know."

"You've only told me 200 times."

"Piss off. Anyways, how much pizza do you want?"

"Well, there's six people coming, hopefully. Five or six. So maybe three or four pizzas. Get a cheese, meatlovers, veggie and I don't know. That should do."

"Cheese, meatlovers and veggie. Got it MIKEY YOU MISSED THE TURN!"

"Remind me to never drive you anywhere."

"Oh shut up."

"Okay, thanks so much you guys. I'll make sure to pay you back."

"Don't worry about Syl."

"You sure?"

"Yeah yeah. See you soon. We'll probably be around 15 minutes."

"Yup, bye."

{ normal }

I quickly hung up to leave Gerard to his road rage, but mainly because I heard the doorbell go off. I ran to answer it before Frank could, smelling my breath before I opened the door. Ryan smiled at me, and I stepped back to let him in. He hugged me and I walked him to the living room.

I went to introduce Ryan to Ray, but Ryan must have remembered him from the park. They shook hands and started talking about stuff. I don't know what. I disappeared to go look for Frank, who had mysteriously vanished. I checked in our room, but I couldn't see him. I checked the bathroom, kitchen, I even looked in the laundry. But he was nowhere.

I walked back into the lounge to ask the guys if they had seen Frank anywhere, and he was sitting on the armchair, deep in conversation with Ryan. It was a miracle! I don't know if Frank was actually being nice to him, or whether it was all an act for me. But either way I was happy Frank was being nice to Ryan.

I went into the kitchen just as the microwaved beeped, signaling the popcorn I had made was ready. The doorbell rung, but I was too lazy to get it. "It's open come in!" I called out. I heard the door swing open as Mikey came in carrying a stack of pizza boxes. "Gerard! I said only get three. Hey Mikey, let me take those. Seriously Gee." I scolded.

"There was a sale! It was less than I bargained for." Gerard said, but all I heard was excuses. "But I got you pizza." I poured some melted butter and salt on the popcorn, which was now in a large bowl. "Yes, thank you Gee. And you too Mikey for not killing him with your driving." Mikey scoffed and looked offended. "Now can you help me carry these in?"

Frank and Gerard were sharing the love seat, basicslly sitting on each other. Ryan, Ray and I shared the couch and Mikey was sitting comfortably in the armchair. The coffee table was covered in pizza boxes, an empty bowl of popcorn, drinks and chocolate and other lollies wrappers. We had all decided on a fairly scary movie to watch, and the many jump scares and creepy bits were funny and interesting to watch.

By the time the movie ended, Frank and Gerard had fallen asleep over each other, mouths hanging open. Mikey's legs were half off the chair, Ray was wide awake and terrified, clutching his glass of water close to his chest. Ryan had stolen all the blanket from Ray and I, and my legs were spilled all over the floor.

By the time I'd woken up, I was in my bed and the boys had long gone home. I felt weird, mainly because I hadn't fallen asleep in my bed. I sat up and looked over at Frank's bed, where the poor guy was out cold. I realised he must've carried me to bed after everyone had left. I checked my phone and saw a few messages from the guys. Mostly saying thanks and stuff for having them over, but Ryan has messaged me saying goodnight. He probably kissed me goodbye or something sweet like that. I felt a tingle in my stomach. Probably those stupid feelings again.

{ time skip to a week later }

~It was unbearable. Unbearable to just sit there and watch Ryan do something like that to me. How could he!? How dare he?!! He obviously had no idea what the bpys would do to him when they find out about this. Did Ryan know what I would do? Clearly not. I cannot believe it. And here I was, fondly thinking of him and this is how he repays me?~

I woke up with a start, my body aching and sweating. The heat stuck to me like tight jeans, and I felt like punching a hold in the wall. I didn't know why I was so frustrated and enraged. Until I remembered my dream. Ryan's naked body intertwined with - No. Thinking about it was not going to help anyone. Definitely not me.

I felt too upset and sticky to go back to bed, and I resisted taking a shower so I wouldn't wake Frank. I went into the bathroom and washed my face and sprayed some deodorant on. I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed the fat tears welling up in my eyes, my light brown hair frizzy and sticking up in a bundle.

I collapsed on the bathroom floor, muffling my cries with my hands. The tile floor was cold on my bare legs as I cried. From the bedroom I thought I heard someone moving, but figured it must've been Frank. Suddenly the door swung open and Frank steps in, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes enough to see me kneeling on the floor, head in my hands.

At first his brain isn't quite working enough to realise what's happening. A few seconds later, recognition begins to dawn and Frank runs over to me, holding my cold to the bone body. He muttered things I don't remember in my ear, and my crying slowed enough for me to talk.

"Shh, sh. Tell me what happened. Shhh. I'm here for you." Frank said, his voice soft and comforting. I wanted to stop crying. I wanted to tell him EVERYTHING. But my fucking feelings wouldn't allow it.

A/N: this might get a bit angsty/sad to rip. Also ty to @onyxQuackers for the idea of the first part of this chapter

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