♡ Who I Am This Week ♡

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I heard the door open, and I stuffed the box back into the depths of my pocket as quick as possible. I got up and welcomed Ryan home. "Hey Ry. How was work?" I asked, hugging him. "Good." He replied, hugging me back and kissing the top of my head. 

"I cooked dinner." I said, leading him to the litchen and taking his bag and jacket. "Ooh, so if I want to live I shouldn't eat it?" He joked. "No, you will die if you don't eat it." I said, which only made Ryan laugh, which brought a smile to my face. 

I hid my nervousness as we ate my chicken noodles, which were shit but Ryan said nothing. After dinner, I set about making some popcorn for a special reason. I asked Ryan if he could go get changed into something nice. "This is nice!" He protested, but went anyway. 

I slipped away to the bathroom, where I had hidden a long, green dress. When I told Frank and Ollie my plan, they both knew this dress was perfect. I bloody hoped so. I redid my makeup, which was all smudged. When I thought I was done, I quietly left and went back to the kitchen and left a note under the bowl of popcorn.

I snuck outside and slipped on my converse and waited in the night for Ryan. He had just stepped out of the bedroom wearing a crisp white shirt, a red suit vest and black suit pants. "Sylvan? Where are you?" He called out to thin air. Ryan headed to the kitchen and saw the popcorn. Noticing the note, he picked it up and read it aloud.

{ Ryan's pov }

"Bring the popcorn and we can kiss under the stars." I read, grinning. I stuffed the note in my pocket and remembered the small box inside. When I had told Joe and Pete about this idea, they both knew Sylvan would love it. I grabbed the bowl of popcorn and headed outside, to where I knew Sylv was.

I walked out the backdoor and saw Sylvan standing still as the night, gazing up at the stars. Her brown hair was resting peacefully at her shoulders, and she was wearing a beautiful green dress that draped over her like a blanket. 

She turned around a smiled when she saw me. She looked anxious, but then again, so was I. Then I started wondering what Sylvan would be anxious about, but she just took my hand and led me down to the tree in our backyard. 

We sat down at a small wooden table under the tree, and I placed the popcorn down. For a moment, Sylvan said nothing. "Don't you think the sky looks beautiful tonight?" She asked, her voice shaking slightly. "Not as beautiful as you." I replied, my voice trembling as well.

We sat in companionable silence, until we both reached into our pockets at the same time. I'd been planning for this moment for so long. My heart was racing, and I had the sudden urge to vomit.

{ Sylvan's pov }

I was scared. No, terrified of what Ryan would say. I stood up and ran off into the darkness. Ry got up and followed me, grabbing my hand before I could run any further. He looked at me, and I was crying, my makeup already starting to smudge. "Syl, what's wrong?" He asked, sounding worried. "I can't do this." I sobbed, my legs wobbling and turning into jelly. 

My entire existence smashed when Ryan kept a hold of my hand and got down on one knee. My tears kept on coming. "Sylvan Miller Trohman, will you marry me?" Ryan asked, tears pricking in his eyes, opening a tiny case which enclosed a beautiful engagement ring. I fumbled and with my hands, and somehow managed to pull out a small box from my pocket. I opened it a revealed a slightly larger engagement ring. "Only if you, George Ryan Ross the third, will marry me." 

Ryan stood up and enveloped me in a tight hug. "Yes. I will, will you." He said as he let me go. "I will." I replied, my entire body raging with happiness. I took the ring from my case and placed it on Ryan's ring finger, and he did the same for me. I put the cases in my pocket, and pulled Ry in for a kiss.

When we finally pulled apart for a breath, I was the happiest I'd ever been in my entire life. I started jumping excitedly while Ryan chuckled at me. I kissed him again and I never wanted to let go.

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