Meeting the girls <3

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*The camera whirrs on to show the inside of a nice car, two males up front and one in the back*

*the two males up front are identified as Zach and Evan*

"Can you imagine t'e looks on t'e girl's face once we tell 'em w'at 'appened?"

"No, Brutus. Because we aren't telling them."

*there's a shocked sound*

"But 'ey 'ave a right to know-"

"Look, B.b, I know you want to be out-right honest. But we can't tell them. We'll be dragging them into what's happening, and we don't even know what's happened either. If they get hurt because of us...."

"...I understand... Evan..... I wouldn't want my sister to be 'urt."

*Theres a shuffling sound, and the camera fast forwards, the setting changes to the front of a house, Evan now holding the camera*

"Who's gonna knock?"

"I will, guys."

*Zach walks up to the door, and knocks on it, a tap-rap-rap sound*

*the door creaks open to reveal a brown haired, green eyed, girl wearing a baseball cap with cat ears woven into it, a hoodie and sweats*


*the sound of thudding footsteps are heard as the door is flung open to reveal to girls, one with balck hair and grey eyes, wearing a plaid grey shirt and black jeans, and the other with red hair and brown eyes, wearing shorts and a yellow long sleeve*

"Hi Miami, Hi Brianna, Hi Lei."

*the camera is shifted as the three boys walk inside*

"So... how was the camping trip, boys?"

*Lei sits, down, her eyes scanning each of the boys, as if to make sure their not hurt as she ask's*

"It's ok Lei. We're alright. 'Ave you seen Mr. Muffins and Aconitum?


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