Bring in the cats, all of them, runnin round and round

3 0 0

*The camera turns on with two pointy brown ears in front of it*

*Brutus can be seen meddling with something*

"And there! Now, Mr.Muffins, you and Aconitum are going to find 'ose men and follow 'em around. And 'en, once you get to wherever 'ey stay, you come straight back 'ere and i'll make a plan."

*Mr.Muffin meows what seems to be an ok and turns, walking away*

*Mr.Muffins trots to a hole in a wall and exits, the camera barely escaping being scrapped*

*He stops at a scrabbling noise and Aconitum appears moments later in front of him, leading the way*

*The two walk along a dirt road for a couple of minute before appearing at a cross section at the town*

*Aconitum walks into a road and looks both ways*

*A car comes speeding and seemingly runs over Aconitum, Mr.Muffins yowling*

*The car passes and Aconitum stands up, shaking*

*The camera moves towards the road and they both cross*

*The two cats eventually turn into an alleyway after walking and ducking in between the feet of people*

*They walk a little more and they exit through a sliding fence to see the two men squatting by a wall, smoking*

*Aconitum crouches, and the camera lowers*

"Damn it Hoodie, you missed one of them!"

"What do you mean I missed one of them!? There were only two when I went in!"

"DId you even check the bathroom? Because when they went into the cafe there were 3, and when they played our game there were three. You brought back 2. Not to mention the fact that I found the third hiding in a damn abandoned warehouse."

*There's a grunt from the one supposedly called "Hoodie"*

"Well how is it my fault I didn't know he was hiding? News flash! It's not!"

"Grow up Hoodie."

"Why don't you pull that stick out from up your a*s Masky."

*Aconitum steps back a bit, and knocks over some tin cans, them crashing to the ground*

*The camera is raised a few feet in the air before it lands on the ground, the two men staring at the cats*

"Sh*t! It's got a camera!"

"Well get it!"

*The men stand up and Aconitum hisses*

*A black streak attacks the man in the yellow, and a ginger streak attacks the man in the femminime mask*


*There's a meow and Aconitum and Mr.Muffins duck behind some trash cans as the men finally kick the cats off and away*

"Gosh darnit! Where'd the other two cats go?"

"Don't ask me."

"Not helping Hoodie. Whatever, the cafe is closed, let's just go back to the cabin."

*the men put out their cigarettes and walk away, the cats quietly padding behind them*

*The men turn out of the alley into a path that leads towards the woods, talking in low whispers*

*After 14 minutes of walking along the trail the men go off, and so does Aconitum and Mr.Muffins, ducking ever so often behind plants*

*The men stop in front of a decent sized, seemingly abandoned cabin*

"Home sweet home. Come on Hoods, let's go inside. Gotta see if they're willing to crack anyways..."

*The men walk inside, shutting the door before that cat's could follow in*

*Mr.Muffin jumps onto a window ledge, quickly jumping down and running as the hooded man spots him*

*there's a crack, like a door being thrown open*


*The camera glitches off as gunshots ring out*


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