The "cafe"(Creepypasta Cafe, Anyone? No? Fine)

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*The camera glitches and stutters on, showing the front of a cafe*

"Look at 'is beautiful cafe guys! It's gonn' raise our spirits!"

*Brutus comes in view of the camera, doing jazz hands*

*The camera shifts*

"Whatever lets go."

"Zach be a little more happy, would you? Brutus is trying to do something nice for us!"

"Yeah, yeah Evan."

*The camera moves back and forth as Evan goes into the cafe*

*The Camera moves around to show no a lot of people*

"Hello! You come in for some coffee?"

*The camera show a male in a black vest, white under shirt and black dress pants waiting at the front, with stubble and brown hair, brown eyes matching*

"Uh- Yeah.... Got a table for three?"

"Right this way sir..."

*they walk over to an empty booth*

"Alright i'll be right back with the menus!"

*The waiter leaves and the camera is set down at the head of the table to show all of them and the wall*

"So Brutus, why specifically?"

"Well, it was either 'is or some cafe called 'ootermans cafe.T'ought this one seemed nicer"

*The waiter hands them menus before leaving*


"Wow, they have a wide variety of meat.... They're....they're joking with the human meat right?"

*Zach looks at the Evan, who looks at Brutus*

"Well 'ey might just wanna spook peopl' 'at come in."


"Ah back sirs! What do you want to eat or drink?"

"I'll have some banana pancakes, please."

"Alright, and you?"

"It's Zach. And I'd like some coffee with coffee cake, please."

"Got it! Last one?"

"I'll take some banana pancakes too, please. With a strawberry milks'ake."

"Ok! Your orders will be right out!"


"Looks like they played right into our hands."

*There's malicious chuckling in the background*

"Easy kill."


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