What. The. Fuck?!

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*The camera sputtered before glitching on*

"Ok, Jay, my camera's on. Now are you really going to abandon me?"

*The male that was speaking zoomed in on Jay, who clearly looked frustrated*

"Yes Y/n, just- just play at the park or something, ok? Me and Tim just needed to do something."

*The other male, stared at Jay, and we only assume that he is Tim*

"Jay, that's a bit irresponsible. We can't just leave him here with everything going on-"

"Tim I know- but he'll be safe."

*The camera glitches forward and the person holding the camera is now sitting on a forest floor*

"How dare they leave me alone- I think I saw the hooded dude go the same way- They're going to die- I should follow them."

*Y/n concluded this and stood, picking up the camera and walking down a path*

*The eight year old reaches into his pocket, the camera momentarily focused on the ground before the boy shows a pocket knife*

"Ok. This is where-"

*theres a gasp and a hand flies quickly past the camera as the boy see's the hooded man walking into the building, Jay and Tim following behind*

*Y/n stays still till there out of sight before walking in himself*

*the camera moves around and searches over the area*

"Why would they be in here.."

*the boy leans down to grab a brick of the ground and continues walking towards the way he saw the adults go*

*the camera glitches forward a bit again to show the boy still in the building, crouching in a room and the camera faced towards the door as he listens*

*a hand reaches for the camera and Y/n fiddles with something*

"Low battery, great. No signal on the flip phone, and now im stuck here. GREAT!"

*Y/n kicks a rock at the wall, making a loud thunking noise*

"Hopefully the- the hooded man doesn't come back. Goddammit Jay why'd you leave me at the park! I-"

*The camera glitches off, the boys last words being drowned out by static*


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