𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐝𝐚𝐲

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annalises pov:

"do you want to keep going or start walking back?" vini asks

"can we walk back? im starting to feel a bit hungry."

"yeah, of course! so what time is your flight?"

"6am, so im gonna have to get up quite early." i reply as we started to walk back towards my apartment

"i can give you a lift to the airport if you would like"

"are you sure vin? we would have to set off at like 3 or 4am and i can just get an uber."

"yes im sure! ill come pick you up at 3."

once we had arrived back at my apartment and grabbed some scran, vini suggested we should go to the beach and go in the sea.

obviously i thought it was a great idea so i changed into some denim shorts with a bikini top and a white jacket.

as vini wasn't dressed to go to the beach we took a quick trip to his house so that he could change.

"are you coming in? i'll only be a couple minutes." he asked as his car pulled up into his driveway

"nah it's alright, might as well stay in the car if your not going to be long"

"fair enough, i'll be quick" he says getting out the car

*trent❣️ invites you to facetime*

"yo lise what's up" trent asked as i answered the call

"nowt much,  just gonna go to the beach"

"alright for you then ini, it's rainin here" he laughed  "are you stayin with curtis when you come back tomorrow?"

"ye, yea think so."

"oh right okay, you could stay mine if you want to that's all. am i still picking you up from the airport?"

"yeah please, do not forget!!"

"sound n i wont i promise! who you going to the beach with?"

"vini" i smiled

"just you and vinicius huh?"


"is there something going on between you two tha i should know about?" he grinned

"i'll tell you everything tomorrow, but he's coming now so speak to you later"

"in a bit" he said before ending the call


"it's so quiet here" i whispered as me and vini walked into the sand

"yeah i always come here, it's kind of like my spot." he said with a small smile appearing onto his face

"awh that's cute, you've brought me to your spot"

"yep, you're very lucky"

"you think?"

"why are you always so sarcastic?" he chuckled

"curtis and trent."

"oh, that explains it very much, so i take it your very close with them two then?"

"yeah, i think i'm quite lucky to have such a close relationship with my brother as many girls don't. and trent has always been my favourite person, he never fails to make me

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