Chapter 1. Two someones

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„Dear Y/N, my best friend,

I hope you are well and having a good time in the summer holidays and that you're not 'bored as all hell' as you wrote in your letter. I've been worried that my previous one didn't reach you because I didn't get your response. It turned out the post owl delivered it to the house next door. I didn't think they could miss the delivery like that. Thank you for writing to me, by the way. I appreciate that.

As I'm writing this letter, I nearly finished all our schoolwork. I hope you had the time to do yours as well. Remember, you have to do your work. Not every year will it be so easy to pass the exams as in our first. So please, make sure you work, maybe only a little.

The morning sun was slowly going up in an orange glow over the orphanage and was coming through the curtains of his room with number twenty. One of the bright golden lines cut through and fell upon Y/N's eye. He closed it quickly as it burned, and a tear swelled. Why the dark curtain let the light in, he was not sure. But it did interrupt his lecture for a while. Y/N shifted slightly and finished reading the letter.

I'm going to London with my parents next week, Wednesday. I'd really love to meet you there. Soon, I'll write and invite Harry and Ron, too. But I still want to see you at Diagon Alley in particular.

Have you heard from Harry? Weirdly, he didn't write back to a single letter of mine. Never mind.

I hope to see you soon!

Love from your best friend, Hermione."

Then he folded the piece of paper. A small smile graced his face. One of the happy ones seen on him when Hermione was too.

As he read the letter, Cinder was lying on his stomach. She opened one eye when he moved but closed it and went back to sleep lazily like cats usually do.

Y/N missed Hermione; he wouldn't admit it – to himself and others – but the faint feeling of nothingness settled inside him. Maybe it was so weak that he didn't always pick it up (when he read it was one of those times; it was Hermione's letter to him), but sometimes he felt it in his chest as it coldly wrapped around his heart like an ice boa snake.

„We're going to Diagon Alley soon, Cinder," Y/N said, took Cinder up, and placed her on the bed as he stood up. She merely gave him a glance of the same eye as before. „But before that, I'll meet with someone kind enough to give me his address." Cinder opened and stared at him with her intelligent eyes then. She meowed as if she questioned, confused. „You okay with staying alone?" She went back to sleep. „Thought so."

As he told Cinder he would, Y/N did. And what a risky mission that would be. He only had to break into the house.

I'll manage, he thought and went to pack his things for his little adventure. Or a break-in would be more fitting instead.


The argument had broken out over breakfast at number four, Privet Drive. And not for the first time and not for the last, it seemed (Harry was sure about that). Mr. Vernon Dursley, Harry's uncle, had been woken in the early morning by a loud, hooting noise from his nephew Harry's room.

„Third time this week!" he roared across the table. „If you can't control the owl, it will go."

Harry tried to explain.

„She's bored. She's used to flying outside. If I could just let her out at night –"

„Do I look stupid? (yes, Harry thought and nearly smiled, he wanted to say it out loud but decided against it) I know what will happen if that owl's let out."

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