Chapter 14. The great conclusion

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Already it was what was expected. They stood at the end of a very long, dimly lit chamber. Towering stone pillars entwined with more carved serpents rose to support a ceiling lost in darkness, casting long, black shadows through the odd, greenish gloom that filled the place. And the lion roared inside with a sound of bravery and confidence and meretricious proudness and stupidity. With heart beating, they stood and waited in the silence of doomed wetness like a dead lake when the sun turned dark for an eternity. Was the abhorrent monster lurking, no certainty?

„Hermione?" Y/N said, piercing the dull silence.


„Please, go back . . . This not safe. This all place is bedlam."

„I am good," she said, not meeting his eye.

Hermione said what she had thought, and Y/N didn't like that, and he had told her so.

And she replied: „I can take care of myself."

She stepped up to him and stared and tried to intimidate, perhaps, and it was not exactly clear what she had been doing, and it was not Y/N's way, and he stared her down.

„Of that, I don't doubt. But I only try not to endanger you when it is not needed. And now, there is no need for."

Hermione stared with a look of agreement with her logical piece of mind working now. Harry and Ron nodded slowly as Y/N spoke. They didn't want Hermione to die, also. Why would they.

„Hermione," Y/N said and came to her and hugged her and backed away and rubbed his cheek and stared.

Hermione shook her head and flung her hair out of her face and closed her eyes for two seconds, and opened and closed again.

„Don't die, you. And you, Harry and Ron. I will be waiting for you outside," she said with sadness and turned back and didn't turn around again when she said: „Good luck."

„I am sure we are not planning on dying."

Then it was silent. His heart beating very fast, Harry stood listening to this chill silence. Ron trembled. Y/N sighed and rubbed his hair, feeling sweat on his hand and forehead. They pulled their wands out as if there came an order of above. They moved between the serpentine columns, and they didn't say anything all the way. Every footstep echoed loudly off the walls. They had eyes narrow, ready to clamp them shut at the sign of any movement. The hollow eye sockets of the stone snakes seemed to be following them. More than once, with a jolt of the stomach, Harry thought he saw one stir. Harry had to crane his neck to look up into the giant face above: It was ancient and monkeyish, with a long, thin beard that fell almost to the bottom of the wizard's sweeping stone robes, where two enormous gray feet stood on the smooth Chamber floor. And between the feet, facedown, lay a small, black-robed figure with flaming-red hair. It was plain obvious Ginny was the one taken. Being possessed beforehand. But they didn't know she was taken to this moment. And it came together then, like a last piece of an incredibly gruesome and dreadful puzzle.

„Ginny!" Ron was the first to give a voice that echoed emptily around.

They glanced at one another and went ahead, and Harry and Ron kneeled at her side. Y/N stood a few steps back with his eyes peeled and a wand held in the ready stance to fight for his life. Observing the chamber all with a sight of an untrue predator rather than a submissive prey. Harry his wand threw away for unexplained reasons. Y/N saw but didn't move to take it.

„Is she dead?" Ron said, afraid, his voice shook.

Ron grabbed Ginny's shoulders and turned her over. Her face was white as marble and cold as that, and her eyes were closed. So not Petrified, is she dead?

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