Chapter 10. The dueling club

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He stood on while the sky was already orange at the west, and he took his wand and twirled it around his right open palm with boredom upon him. He had awaited his punishment for some time now, and it was only a matter of time before he would be engaged in cleaning, presumably. A light punishment. He thought briefly and was confused but glad. He was sure he would be removed away from school. This is why he didn't see the use of trying to excuse his attack on the teacher. He wouldn't pointlessly argue with the authority and the forceful hand they held on them all, with the old Headmaster in the frontline. Thus, he was where he was and waiting and now leaned on the wall with his arms crossed in a close stance of meretricious defense, his wand in the pocket inside his black robes. Then his head fell on the wall, and a sigh escaped from his lips. The wind sang in the dead silence. He stood on still. And then, there it was, from the other end. A false arrival, as if it was all a whore trying to make a histrionic play to deceive only. But no whore was among any of them. None of that. Now true. Nothing to care of.

„Mr. L/N, we meet again," spoke Filch.


„This time, you will not go unpunished," Filch said, and his face twisted uglily in a grin, and his cat stared at Y/N at Filch's feet, and Filch scratched at his greasy hair with his finger.

„Knew as much," Y/N said and leaned off the wall and uncrossed arms, and he didn't care what would happen then, for he would be back again.

„Come after me, stupid boy."

Filch stared with dark eyes, and Y/N was silent and followed, and his face did not grimace. But was kept indifferent and without care shown.

„You've done so wrong. If it were up to me, you would be rotting in a dungeon already. But I'm not surprised you got off so easily. Nobody likes this man around here."


They walked and Y/N behind slower. And he worked without stopping.

He was done sometime later, and it was dark outside, peaceful, and everyone slept soundly. His lumbar spine and knees hurt, but he went on and lay in his bed then. Nothing to say was. Only wondering about Dumbledore's confused decision was left in his head. And he slept. The day that followed awaited.


Harry woke on Sunday morning, and the room was bathed in the sunlight of the winter's shining essence. His arm was fully fixed. He regarded Colin's bed hesitantly, and the curtains were up, and Harry didn't see Colin lying without motion, as if dead with no chance to recover. Madam Pomfrey saw Harry awake and came over with a breakfast tray.

„All good. You were good enough to leave sooner, but I wanted you to stay one night. Just to be sure."

Harry dressed quickly and hurried off to Gryffindor Tower, desperate to tell his three friends about what he had seen, but they weren't there. Harry left to look for them, and he felt hurt by their lack of curiosity about his well-being. As Harry passed the library, Percy Weasley came out of it and seemed in a better mood than the last time they'd seen each other.

„Hello, Harry. Excellent flying yesterday, really excellent. Gryffindor has just taken the lead for the House Cup. You earned fifty points."

„Have you seen Ron or Hermione or Y/N?"

„No, I have not. And don't tell me about L/N, attacking a teacher . . . what an awful thing to do."

Harry stared, and Percy walked out of sight. Harry headed to Myrtle's bathroom and thought. No matter what had happened, he would stay behind Y/N, Harry didn't wish Lockhart to be hurt, but he was not opposed if it was to happen.

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