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Park Gyul's Point of View

Golds and gems, lavishness, luxury and wealth ㅡ these are the things that I've been exposed to since the moment of my birth. It sounds like a magnificent life ㅡ It does, but only to a certain extent.

Perhaps it's because of my environment, or more specifically how I was raised into the woman that I am today, because simultaneously with the lavish life that I lived lack my freedom of choice for myself. Only now did I realize that my voice was never heard and I was only told to do things even if some of them are things that I am not in favor of doing.

"This is for your own good," my mother says per usual, looking at me with those dark brown orbs that would only look at me in sympathy every time my father tells me to do something that I don't even have a say on.

Throughout my life, despite being able to see the truth of his manipulation of me to create the perfect daughter that he wishes to have, I kept my eyes shut ㅡ blinded by the truth that indeed, everything that he has forced me to do became beneficial to me now that I am older.

But today, I am no longer letting him decide for my life. He has reached his limits and I am certainly not having this anymore.

I plastered a fake smile on my lips while looking at my mom through the mirror. Her palms over my shoulders gently squeezed them as her smile widened more. "I'm sure it will be great, Gyulie. You're father just wants what's best for you."

I nodded despite opposing her words in my head.

How is marrying a man I will just meet today best for me?

I looked over at my bed where my handbag that has all my remaining essentials inside.

I'm sure my father will disown me after what I'll do later because that will definitely be his biggest disappointment in me, and for once in my life, it will be an accomplishment for me.

My bag is already inside my car. It has all my other essential things.

Basically, I'm ready to escape. I have all of this planned before this day came. I began to plan this the moment my father told me I am to marry someone that he wishes.

It's a good thing I was the one who opened my bank accounts. At least from that I am already secured. He has no control over it ㅡ I hope so, at least. He always finds a way to get through to me.

Nonetheless, I also have cash with me. For sure, he has no access to that.

A knock on the door of my room made my mother and I look over it and found my father in his usual black tuxedo, looking cold and intimidating per usual.

Something that I have admired about my father despite his control over my life is his consistency with his physique. Despite his age now, he still has a physique of a young and active man ㅡ broad shoulders and big biceps, name it. If it wasn't for his aging face and the appearance of his salt and pepper hair before he dyes them again, he'd look younger.

"We should go downstairs. The Lees are almost here." His deep voice echoed into my room and I shivered at the way he firmly says that while staring at me as if his message is also implying another, telling me to stay put and behave as he wants me to do.

I mentally smirked. Not for long, Papa. Once I am out of this house, I won't be in your control anymore.

We went downstairs and waited for the Lee family's arrival.

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