Chapter 5

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Park Gyul's Point of View

My things were neatly stored and arranged in my designated area before Mister Kim's office after the long day. I ensured the paperwork was sorted accordingly and stored safely in the drawer beneath my desk. My bag was also packed, and I was ready to go.

I peered at the gap in his opened door and found him fixing his table. It's ten minutes past the office hours, after all. It's time for us to go.

With my things, I went to his door and knocked. "I'll be going now, Sir," I told him, which he acknowledged with a look, a nod, and a smile.

I got into the elevator and pressed the button for the basement parking where my car was.

A week had passed since I began my work, and starting next week, I will no longer be working side by side with Mister Kim's old secretary because today was her last day.

Adjusting to a new working environment was exhausting, and I'm looking forward to the peace my home is waiting to provide. I have no errands on weekends, so it was my time to rest. Yet the anticipated trip on the way home, which I had assumed was a moment for me to attain my well-deserved rest, turned into a chaotic hide-and-seek between the black SUV and two black motorcycles tailing me.

I was suspicious of my judgment when I noticed them in the first few meters. Still, I was almost near my place, which was rural compared to the heart of the city, and I knew from there that if these people were following me, I would be in danger if I went further away from the city.

So, instead of taking a left to follow my path home, I took a U-turn to confirm that I was being followed.

Like my move, the motorcycles and the black SUV also took a U-turn.

I was being followed, and I knew who these people could be.

They're either my father's or Taemin's men, but the obsessive latter seems to be the correct answer than the first. After all, he's only been the one to bother me since I left home.

I stepped on the gas to accelerate my speed from 60 kilometers per hour to 80, maximizing the maximum speed requirement of the road I was passing. With luck being on my side, despite the time, traffic wasn't heavy, and it was easier for me to overtake cars in hopes of losing whoever these people were.

There will be a left turn in 500 meters. I quickly decided on my next strategy and measured by car how far the people following me were.

The motorcycles were three cars away, and four for the SUV. If I can make our distance at least seven vehicles away before I take a left turn, I may be able to lose them.

I stepped on the gas, accelerating and overtaking until it was time for me to take a turn. With estimated distance and reasonable control over my vehicle with the steering wheel, I turned my wheel left and overtook the cars again.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips after my plan execution, but victory was not yet to be declared. To confirm, I looked over my rearview mirror and tried to find traces of them and found none, making me sigh another breath of relief.

I found a parking space not long after and decided to hide there in the meantime to think of my next move. If I return to the road with my car, those people will indeed retrace me.

The options that were coming into my mind were to wait for a few more minutes before hitting back to the road and assuming that I had completely lost them, use public transport to go home, or call Suga, but the latter didn't even sound like a good option. Who was I to ask for his help? I'm not even his friend.

"God, think, Gyul!" I bumped my head on the steering wheel several times until I was contented and found the wheel a home for my forehead. I sighed, deciding to wait before I drove back home. Using public transportation seems too risky, too.

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