Chapter 11

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Park Gyul's Point of View



Suga and Jin answered simultaneously after Jungkook asked for permission to take me with him to his gallery this weekend. We were in the dining room, having a peaceful dinner, until the two clashed opinions about whether to let me out.

"I said no. I'm the boss," Suga insisted.

Jin rolled his eyes. "Don't pull the 'boss' card now, idiot. This isn't a mission."

They've been arguing since the question was dropped. Jin argued that I would be safe because Jungkook was with me anyway, while Suga rebutted with the reason that Taemin was lurking out there, waiting to pounce on me. They both made sense, but I am completely biased on Jin's side with this one. However, my thoughts regarding this matter are not to be heard.

"What do you think, Namjoon?" Hoseok asked, making the two look at the dimpled man who still had his chopstick in his mouth.

He chewed his food, looking over his two bosses and then at me, then at Jungkook. "Let her go."

"No! It's dangerous!" That was Suga again.

Namjoon sighed. "I'm not yet done. Let her go but on one condition."

"And what is that?" I asked.

"You have to disguise yourself. Wear a mask or something so you won't be easily recognized."

"Okay!" Jin clapped his hands, smiling in victory. "The tiebreaker said his thoughts. Gyul," he pointed at me with a finger gun, "You may go."

I was excited, and the smile on my face didn't hide it. "Yes, thank you!"

"And don't worry, Yoongi, I'll go with them," Jin added.

"You are?" I asked even if he just said it. Since he was the closest person to me in this house, I was happy. Even if he was my boss, spending some days with him as a housemate somehow made the atmosphere between us warm and comforting.

The weekends came faster than I had waited for it to come. I was walking alongside Jungkook, who personally walked his clients through his paintings and the other art pieces hanging on the white wall. I was attentive at first, but he gradually lost my attention from the information overload entering my mind, and I had to conceal a yawn.

Jin, on the other hand, was exploring the gallery himself, saying that he wasn't interested in hearing the stories or information of the display since Jungkook had already explained them to him, and one listening was enough for him. I'm unsure if he even remembers the details, but that's no longer my concern.

Once the briefing was done, Jungkook asked his clients about their thoughts, and they were interested in his painting of the sun over the purple horizon, explaining that it matched the theme of the cafe she was building.

He called some staff for assistance and let them handle the clients until the end of the transaction while he stayed beside me, making sure I was never out of his sight, even for a minute.

Despite following Namjoon's advice for precaution, neither of them wanted to risk any incident, especially Jungkook.

"The last thing I want is to ruin this gallery with even a drop of blood," he said, staring at the new art piece that he had just displayed. It was a pattern of violet and yellow colors, simple but still pretty.

"So, is this all that you do? Or do you have other hobbies since, technically, painting isn't just a hobby anymore," I asked as we walked around the gallery again.

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