Chapter 5. The Deranged of All

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It has been three days since the news of Dao's disappearance spread like wildfire among his group of friends. The last time his friends heard from him was when he caused a ruckus over Clarissa's new relationship with a woman because he wanted Clarissa to become decent once more; after that, they knew he had already returned to his house. However, after a few days, nobody heard the news about him, his friends tried to check his condo but there was nothing inside, no visual of someone trying to break in, no body to be called a murder or suicide, nothing. Even his car is still parked in the space that is reserved for him, and the keys to his car are still inside his condo, along with his wallet and his phone. Dao simply disappeared, and nobody knows the answer. The police looked for any trace of blood or bleach but came up empty. In the bathtub of his condo, there is not a shred of evidence of blood, bleach, or any other chemical. The only things that remain are the shampoo and soap that Dao used on a regular basis. Dao has completely disappeared.

And the news that Dao's ex-girlfriend is now dating another woman is more widely known than the news that Dao himself has vanished. And it appears that Clarissa feels nothing, not even a shred of guilt. When Dao's parents arrived at her condo on the second day, Clarissa opened her door as usual, not crying or sad, and they asked, "Have you ever loved our son?"

"At some point, yes. But by our second year, I was questioning everything. I wanted to break up with him, but he insisted on staying with me." She replied nonchalantly.

"Are you not concerned about his disappearance?"

"He attacked me the day before, in front of my office, you can confirm with security. Do you think I'll still be concerned about him?"

"Still! Clarissa, you dated my son for three years! How can you be so apathetic when my son goes missing?" Dao's mother screams in front of Clarissa.

"Do I need to feel anything?" Clarissa stares intently at Dao's parents while maintaining a blank expression on her face. Clarissa used to be a very charming and sweet woman; she was the one who was always the one with friendly gestures; she was always worried about a trivial thing, but this Clarissa is not like that at all. The two elders are unable to believe what they have seen.

"You changed her!" The older woman points her finger at Enrietta, who is sitting not far away from them, doing nothing with her cold face. Clarissa notices the corner of Enrietta's lips moving slowly after that accusation.

"Baby, I'll handle it. It's not a big deal." Clarissa took a seat next to Enrietta, held her hand, and said, "Don't, whatever you want to do, don't." Enrietta nods as Clarissa whispers.

"I don't change; this is who I am. Your son was aware of this; I was always trying to be a good girl in public. I tried to pretend to be someone I'm not, but..." Clarissa said this while pointing at herself and saying, "it's now all me, and I can be myself with her. Not your son, or anyone else. Not even my parents."

"But-" The elderly woman tried to speak again, but her husband stopped her. He can't stay in the room much longer because he's afraid of Enrietta, as the family's head, and he's so used to protecting his family that he recognizes when he's in danger. And at this moment, the room he is in with the woman with the fiery hair seems to be a more dangerous environment for him than being out on the street at night.

"No, she's no longer Dao's girlfriend. Let's go."

"But he was last seen at her office!"

"The surveillance camera at his condo said he was home, but he was never seen leaving his unit." He drags his wife by force, before any of them regrets anything.

On the third day, Clarissa's father called her and asked her to return home as quickly as possible, telling her to "bring your girlfriend."

"How do you know daddy?"

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