Chapter 10. His Ego & His Ex-Girlfriend

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With the help of their broad network, Dao's parents manage to secure probation and bring him out of jail. He has no option to leave town or travel abroad due to the ankle monitor strapped to his leg. That monitor serves the purpose of making sure his presence is at home when required and preventing him from being elsewhere when he shouldn't be. The court has granted him limited permissions to go home, work, and seek medical attention if necessary. He's prohibited from accessing any locations in close proximity to Clarissa's workplace or residence.

"Oh, but I have some interesting news for you. We recently found out that your ex-girlfriend has decided to go abroad. She probably left about a month ago, and we never heard about her return." The officer smirked as he secured the ankle monitor onto Dao's leg.

"What?" His veins throbbed with a mixture of annoyance and confusion, but a surge of anger quickly overcame it. He was fully conscious of the existence of the ankle monitor, a constant symbol of the restrictions placed on him.

"You heard that right, so don't worry about getting too close to her. Because if you do, you'll find yourself right back in jail."

"I'm not terrified to meet her or go back to jail! Why was I not informed about this sooner?" Dao's voice seethed with frustration as he lashed out.

The officer's demeanor suddenly grew icy. "It was not our responsibility to notify you of her intentions, Khun Dao. Our utmost priority is to assure your full compliance with the court's orders. Any attempt to contact or approach Miss Clarissa Burton will result in severe consequences."

Dao's thoughts were an explosion of conflicting emotions. He couldn't help but feel an overwhelming urge to confront Clarissa and seek the truth behind her sudden departure. However, a sense of relief washed over him, knowing that she was no longer in the picture, even if only for a little while. Nevertheless, the officer's words ignited a flame inside him, unwilling to allow him to surrender. Dao struggled to regain his composure, his jaw clenched tightly. "Okay. I have no need to see her. Rest assured, this will have no impact whatsoever. Her leaving doesn't absolve me of what I've done. I have an outstanding debt that I intend to repay and make things right."

The officer scrutinized Dao intently before replying, his voice lacking any trace of sympathy. "Your intentions are wonderful, but it's important to back them up with actions. We will closely observe and track your actions, Khun Dao. One wrong move and you'll end up right back at square one."

"It's important to appreciate the love and support of your parents, so try to be well-mannered and avoid any unnecessary complications." Another officer spoke to him, his voice full of sarcasm and mocking him.

Dao's parents have considerable influence and connections in Thailand, which include government officials, businesspeople, and individuals in positions of power. Dao is deeply drawn to Clarissa, seeing her as the ideal partner for him and his family. Her well-off upbringing, excellent education, stunning beauty, and lack of significant past issues make her a perfect match in his eyes. Due to Clarissa's quiet demeanor and constant smile, he believes that she's deeply in love with him. This has inflated his ego, leading him to believe that he's capable of doing anything because of Clarissa's devotion.

When Clarissa abruptly decided to go to London without even discussing it with him, it was the first time he was taken aback and caught off guard. His initial desire was to prevent her from leaving, but Clarissa confronted him with a chilling demeanor: "Who are you to have the right to forbid me from banning things I like?" Those words left Dao utterly puzzled; he had never witnessed Clarissa speaking to him in such a defiant manner.

And as fate would have it, misfortune continued to afflict him. The woman he once thought loved him without question had become a stranger, missing the affection and love he held dear. Clarissa's departure to London had sparked an unexpected transformation, leaving him dealing with the unfamiliar person she had become. Despite his best efforts, Dao was unable to establish contact with Clarissa in the days that followed. Her friends stayed silent, hiding any details about how she was doing or her plans. Every missed call and unopened message chipped away at Dao's determination, leaving him with an overwhelming feeling of helplessness. Overwhelmed by the situation, he struggled to find any clarity. His desire to be in Clarissa's presence intensified in her absence. He held onto the memories of their seemingly flawless relationship, struggling to understand how everything had fallen apart so quickly.

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