Chapter 12. Who Are You People?

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"You guys still have a civilian hiding in the town," Enrietta said sternly to Captain Jackson Steele. "Can you fix it before night comes?"

After her wife Clarissa had created a powerful barrier in the basement of the apartment, Enrietta had easily stepped out from inside. She was now standing atop a car in front of the apartment, her keen eyes scanning the entire city of Talkeetna.

Captain Jackson's brow furrowed in frustration. "Ma'am, with all due respect, this place is 96.35 square miles with a population of almost two thousand. We simply don't have enough time to clear everyone out before nightfall," he argued.

Enrietta's expression remained resolute. "Then you should start now, or I can't assure their safety once night falls," she replied, her voice laced with a sense of urgency.

Before Jackson could formulate a response, a deafening boom echoed through the air, causing all the military personnel to become instantly alert. A cloud of dust billowed in the distance, as if a heavy object had plummeted from the sky.

The soldiers tensed, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and trepidation. Some cursed under their breath, recalling the horrors they had witnessed when the monstrous entity had attacked. However, despite the alarming sound, this was not yet nighttime, and Jackson hesitated, unsure whether to give the order to investigate or stay alert while sticking to their position.

Enrietta, on the other hand, remained eerily calm, her gaze fixed on the source of the disturbance. "Are you not going to do something?" Jackson asked in frustration.

"Do what?" Enrietta replied, a faint smile playing on her lips.

"About the loud bang? Something has happened!" Jackson insisted, his patience wearing thin.

Enrietta's smile widened as she replied, "Oh, that? That's my people."

Jackson stared at her, bewildered by her nonchalant response. "Your people?" he echoed, his brow furrowed in confusion.

From inside the dissipating cloud of dust, they could hear the sound of two female voices coughing. A few of the nervous soldiers accidentally opened fire towards the source, their weapons discharging rapid rounds.

"Cease fire! Cease fire!" Jackson screamed, trying to regain control of his men, but the panicked barrage of gunfire continued.

Enrietta raised both her hands, and in an instant, the bullets halted in mid-air. The next moment, an invisible force blew the military personnel back several meters, leaving them disoriented and stunned.

"If you can't handle your own men, then I will," Enrietta said, her voice firm.

From within the cloud of dust, two women emerged. They stood side by side, bursting with strength and savvy. Their toned, athletic builds were the result of years of intense workouts. Each had a distinct beauty that grasped everyone who saw them, highlighted by sharp, strong features and powerful, fierce gazes.

The first woman radiated a regal presence, her posture demanding attention and respect. Her jet-black hair fell in smooth waves down her back, framing her beautiful face, sculpted with fierce purpose and resolve. Her emerald eyes looked to be holding secrets and wisdom beyond her years, giving her an air of mystery. Dressed in elegant, form-fitting black armor, she gave off an air of elegance mixed with deadly grace.

The second woman gave off an impression of confidence and pure power. Her golden blond hair cascaded down her shoulders, trailing like golden flames behind her. Her chiseled and sturdy appearance portrayed a firm character in the face of hardships. Her eyes, a stunning sapphire, sparkled with mesmerizing charm, showing the wild soul that resided within her. She portrayed the essence of a warrior, dressed in a black suit and embroidered with complex designs and scars on her neck from countless conflicts.

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